Our kids finally got vaccinated! Woohoo! We'd been waiting for this day for soooooooooooo long and it feels so much better now. We got them signed up as soon as possible so that they're fully vaccinated before we travel over the holidays. We'd been talking about it for awhile so they were as prepared as they could be. Eve and Esme were champs and took them with straight faces. Chan was nervous which I'd expect from him and I think Poppy was taking after him. But the first one is done and I have a feeling they'll both be much better for the second.

They were a little stoic right afterwards.

But they livened up by the time we got some boba tea and got home :)
Halloween has also come and gone. We didn't know what we were doing till the last minute so we were digging through all of our costume drawers to put things together. And they all had so much fun doing something so normal again. Though I'm not even sure Poppy and Eve remember the last time they went...
I couldn't nail this one down to take a picture with the girls.
Eve is taking off with reading and it's so cute to see her read to Poppy. I found them like this one day in the playroom.
And then bright and early one Saturday morning I found them like this - playing Sleeping Queens in the driveway. Silly kids!
Oh yeah we also celebrated our 12th anniversary. Dinner out on a Sunday didn't sound appealing this year so we opted for breakfast out with the whole family. And it was a hit since we never do that :) Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day!
Chan and Esme had their first piano recital and both did awesome. They had to memorize 2 songs each to play in front of a small audience. They were both nervous but you couldn't tell. They pulled it off well.
And Chan continues to be our busy fisherman. He's hooked! Whenever there's a free moment he's always asking to go fishing. He recently borrowed all of the local fishing books from the library and can't stop reading them.