
Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Just Hanging Out

Now that the holidays are over we're getting into baseball season again which will consume a lot of our time coming up.  The twins are old enough now to go to games (it was just too difficult to have 2 of them there last year that they always stayed home with one of us or a grandparent) which they love cause it involves lots of new places and snacks/games while we watch.  Ha ha!  Esme's a great help at keeping them busy too.  And Chan is so much more comfortable this year with baseball.  He's having fun!  Esme will soon start spring soccer too so that just adds to the madness.  We've been enjoying our last free weekends by going to the park, flying kites, etc.

We were surprised by a cold front that brought 60 degree weather and lots of wind.  

The bonus was the cool kite flying weather!

Chan was the starting pitcher for his first game!

After school fun leads to a picnic dinner in their fort

Feeding the cows on our daily walks around the nieghborhood

Just hanging out at the park.  The girls couldn't wait for their own turn ;)

Thursday, January 3, 2019

2019 Is Here!

Happy New Year!  Seems like my updates keep bouncing from one holiday to the next lately and now here we are at the beginning of a new year.  Woohoo!  We had planned to go to the beach as a family on New Year's Day however the girls all had a tummy bug so Chan and mommy got to escape to the other side of the island together.  It was an amazing day for both of us!  I asked if he wanted to pick up a friend and he promptly refused and opted for just "mommy time" instead :)

This year Eve heard the song "Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer for the first time and that's where she also learned the phrase "Christmas Eve."  She was very confused as to what that was but Poppy quickly chimed in that there's a "Christmas Poppy" too ;)  So now we celebrate Christmas Eve and Christmas Poppy along with New Years Eve and New Years Poppy.  Twins!

Yacht Club Children's Christmas party with the cousins 

Gingerbread houses!

Everyone's excited for sugar!

My little goofballs on Christmas Eve, before bed :)

Too cool for school

Watch this if you need a good laugh :)

The kids are out of school for about 2 weeks and mommy also had the week off between the holidays to spend with the kiddos  The rest of the break was/is shared between daddy and the grandparents thankfully.  To keep everyone interested, each day consists of a new adventure...

A visit to the zoo and playground the day after Christmas

A visit to Pahoa to see the lava flow.  This used to be the road to Kapoho :(

We also visited the new Pohoiki beach that the lava flow created.  It was amazing compared to what it used to be.

Each day we try to get in a walk around the neighborhood.  Esme's even able to pack one of the twins if we need her to now.  Wowzers!

Happy 2019!  This was the calendar that Chan made us.