
Tuesday, December 27, 2016

We Survived!

We made it through the twins first Christmas!  Esme and Chan were very excited for Christmas this year and obviously Poppy and Eve had no idea what was going on.  Esme was into giving out gifts that she picked out which was fun to watch.  It was so hard for her to keep some of the gifts a secret over the past few weeks!  Chan was a little more crazy and just into opening and opening and more opening.  And once he ran out of gifts he sort of ran out of steam.  Now that it's all over though he's enjoying all that he got.  We've barely touched Poppy and Eve's gifts since there was enough excitement otherwise.  We'll get there slowly but surely...
All suited up and waiting to open gifts.  Chan asked for a skateboard for Christmas this year.  Hopefully Uncle Sterling will teach him how to ride it soon.  He also got knee and elbow pads which he calls his "bleeders."

This was the best pic we got before attacking the presents.

Poppy and Eve trying on their new dresses.  Thanks Nana and Papa!

Bloomers on their heads :)

The big kids wearing their new pj's.  Chan skipped nap on Christmas day so they were all in bed by 6:45pm that night!

Esme's choice of outfit for our day after Christmas hike at Bird Park.

Chan taking care of his baby doll that he also asked for Christmas.

Talking to Santa at the annual Yacht Club kids party. 

Esme had her first kids race - WHS winter fun run. She ran/walked a mile with her preschool friend Aliya.

Our driveway Christmas palm.

Chan's so happy he has a new audience.  Poppy and Eve crawl over to wherever he's at and just sit and watch for as long as he's busy usually.  Now he's starting to see how fun these two "baby sisters" can be for him :)

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

All You Need Is Love

Interestingly enough, this is a song we sing a lot during the holidays.  It's on a Starbucks Christmas CD we have and Allen and I sing "All we need is" and Esme and Chan say "LOVE" over and over and over :)  We're working on Poppy and Eve but so far all they do is smile at the song.  Ha ha!

Another year is almost over and obviously our big event of the year was the arrival of the twins.  It's been an adventure, even a roller coaster at times, but we're finally finding our groove in the past few months.  Allen and I have teamed together like never before just to get through it all and so far it's working :)  We've been getting out for family events and when that's not possible we divide and conquer - we each get one baby and one big kid or one of us takes the babes and the other takes the big ones.  And when that's not even possible we call in the troops - Nana, Papa, and all the aunty's, uncle's and cousins for help.  We've got our village to help raise our children!  As you can imagine there's never a dull moment in our house these days!  And as challenging as it can be at times it's so amazing to experience this wonderful life together - all six of us!

The twins are now 8 months and really interactive.  They smile and laugh and crawl all over the place.  Esme loves to help take care of them just like a mommy would and Chan loves to perform for them and make them laugh.  They were born a month early and just under 5 pounds each but they've caught up nicely and are now about 50% each for weight and height.  Mommy's milk fed them for the first 6 months and still going strong.  They also love eating solid foods - all the purees and lots of local foods too - papaya, avocado, mango, poi, etc.  Pretty soon we'll be starting them on small cut up bits of food too.

The girls have a wonderful sitter, Aunty Veva, who cares for them during the day.  Their naps are sporadic and just when we think we get them on a good schedule they switch things up again.  But we're still trying.  They can sleep through the night but they also take turns switching that up for us.  Allen and I assign ourselves to a baby if they're both up or if they just need a pacifier then it's his job.  When they see/hear me they just want to nurse!

Poppy is sweet and cuddly and happy if you just look at her.  She cracks herself up all by herself at times.  She's more sensitive and sweet.  Her nicknames are Pops, Pops to the Mops, Popster, Chickpea, Peanut.  She's got 2 dimples and a hearty laugh.  She's also got her two bottom teeth.  Poppy's features are much more similar to Esme's when she was a baby.

Eve has a lot of spunk.  It takes A LOT to make her laugh.  You really have to work at it and then maybe she'll crack a smile for you.  And Eve likes to be startled, tossed high in the air, held really tight, etc.  She likes everything more intense.  Eve's nicknames are Evers, Eve's to the Beeves, Evie.  Her laugh is really soft and sort of like she's holding it in.  She just got her first bottom tooth and is very oral.  She used to growl her throat and now she clicks her tongue and blows air through her lips.  She likes to talk - nananana, dadadada, mamamama, etc.  Eve's features are much more similar to Chan's when he was a baby.

Esme started kindergarten this year at Waiakea Elementary.  She loves being in school with big kids and we've seen a big difference in her maturity level.  She's picked up reading and writing quickly and it's a whole new world for her.  She still does gymnastics twice a week and a 4H group once a month.  She's a total girly girl.  She likes anything glittery and sparkly and pink and purple.  She loves to be read to and do artwork.  She'll be 6 in just 2 months.

Chan started preschool at Keikiland and that was a harder transition this year.  It all happened around the time of the twins arrival which he took harder than anyone.  There were many crying mornings but thankfully we've moved beyond that.  He's your typical boy and likes balls, trucks, and dinosaurs.  He's only 3 1/2 so he's doing gymnastics for now but can't wait to start t-ball or soccer next year.  He's very articulate in his speech and is trying to read right along with his big sister.

And then there's Allen and I.  No changes for us on the job front and we're figuring out how to juggle it all.  It's almost impossible to imagine what we used to do with our free time before the kids :)  

We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, November 26, 2016

The Holidays Are Here

Still no new teeth for either babe but they're chewing and drooling on everything in site!  Poppy's got a sort of frog hop/crawl going on and Eve is up on all fours and rocking still but more movement with rolling around.  It's great cause they can entertain themselves a lot longer by themselves now.  We just have to watch out for whatever Esme and Chan might've left on the floor.  Yikes!

Eve started a little "na-na-na-na" talking but nothing of the sort for Poppy yet.  She has the habit of patting you on the arm or back when you pick her up like she's reassuring you or something.  It's really cute.  Chan has been having a lot of fun entertaining his sisters himself too.  He just runs around and dances and goes a little crazy in front of them and they laugh which fuels him.

All four kids caught a nasty cold a few weeks ago and they all ended up on antibiotics for ear infections at the same time.  I figured, we might as well kill all the germs at one time and get it over with!  They all tolerated the meds well and hopefully we're on the mend now.  Allen and I are hoping we can get back to sleeping through the night or a little closer to it :)  We can dream right?  Haha, that is when we actually get sleep.  Poppy wakes up at least twice a night and Eve is just once but she was sleeping through before they got sick.

Esme and Chan are super excited for the holidays.  Our Elf On The Shelf - Doodle, came back and they can't stop talking about him.  The big kids also decorated the whole tree for us but mommy had to make some adjustments afterwards to even it out.  Oh and we even got our Christmas pictures done.  It was a pretty challenging task to get all 4 kids to smile at one time!  Thank goodness daddy is so goofy ;)
Little Ms Happy.

Tree decorating crew. 

Family hike on Black Friday which was the kids choice. 

Thanksgiving at Aunty B's. 

Our abbreviated Thanksgiving crew minus Poppy who was sleeping. 

I love taking pics of the girls after nursing. 

Our daily regimen while sick :(

We couldn't miss this new movie since Princess Poppy is the main character!  What a coincidence!

Everyday silliness!

Babies in a pack n play. 

Our girls

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Exciting Updates

Just as Esme lost her first 2 teeth recently Poppy decided to sprout her first one!  The funny thing is that Eve was the one that seemed like she was teething - constantly sucking on things, drooling, slightly fussy but we still haven't seen anything pop up.  All of a sudden one day we noticed Poppy had a tooth.  Poppy also decided she's tired of tummy time and last week she jumped up on all fours.  She's got the rocking on hands and knees down and she's taken a step or two before but she's still working on it.  Eve just got to all fours this week so she's catching up.

The girls had their first trip last month to San Francisco.  Mommy had a conference to go to for work and so Nana and Aunty Amy came along to help out.  They did great the whole way.  With twins you can't sit next to each other on the flight so we had to sit an aisle apart each way.  Luckily we also got an extra seat next to us so we had a little wiggle room.  Their sleep got a little off but blackout curtains in hotels are amazing!  They got many walks through the city but were always glad to get back to our suite so they could take off their shoes and socks and suck their toes :)  They got their fair share of attention too from soooooooooooo many people.  It's interesting how some people just flock to them and want to know all about them.

Esme's bottom two teeth are coming in fast but no signs of any other loose ones.  Chan keeps talking about his loose teeth now cause he wants to be just like his big sister.  The big kids are both still in gymnastics which they enjoy.  Esme hasn't expressed an interest in anything else yet so we'll stick with that.  Chan would love a ball sport but we have to wait till he's at least 4.  We're not sure how we'll coordinate all those different practices but we'll figure it out sometime.

Halloween came and went quickly this year.  Esme was excited to trick or treat but Chan wasn't sure what he was getting into.  We just went around our neighborhood which is perfect for them.  Esme was Elsa and Chan was Yoda.  It was cute since he chose that over a Spiderman costume.  The babies stayed home with Nana and Papa who passed out the candy at our house.


"Brrrrr mom!  It's cold in San Francisco!"

"Why do we have to wear all this stuff!"

Thank goodness for Nana!

Checking out the city life below.

Our happy girls :)

Chan and Esme were enjoying homemade popsicles while we were gone. 

The view from Alcatraz.  We actually had great weather in SFO.

They just rolled into each other on the bed and ended up like this. 

Chan likes to offer his super heroes some down time once in awhile ;)

Cousins on Halloween.

Thanks for the outfits Faye Faye!

They're not looking like little itty bitty babies anymore!

Ruffle butts!

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Catching Up!

Our little girls are catching up!  They had their 6 month visit today and are both 15# (Poppy was heavier by 4 ounces) and just under the 50th percentile for weight.  Pretty good since they started out completely under the growth chart.  Eve measured at 50th percentile for height too but Poppy was just 25th percentile however we're not sure how accurate that was.  Regardless we're so happy with their progress!  Oh and they both have pretty large heads or big brains as daddy likes to say :)

Eve is constantly blowing bubbles and making noises with her throat.  She also continues to drool which she's done since she was born it seems like.  Her mouth has always been a little leaky which is funny since she's the baby with the stronger suck/latch.  It seems like she's spitting up less after feeding which is nice and that might explain her weight getting closer to Poppy's since there was more of a gap last time.

Poppy loves to talk and coo.  I even caught Eve laughing at Poppy recently when she was squeeling.  It was precious!  They're finally starting to get interested in each other when they're on the floor together.  And they are also love food!  They're continuing to try all sorts of new purees and they also enjoy things to suck on like pears, apples, teething biscuits, etc.  Eve goes a little nuts and screams whenever you take any food away from her.  Pops doesn't seem to care as much.  

Esme is still losing teeth and now is missing the bottom two central incisors.  She likes to stick her tongue through there when she shows people.  And she's constantly checking the other teeth to see if there's anymore loose ones in there.  She's loving kinder and really progressing with her reading.  She's constantly practicing her letters and writing out sentences while asking us for help.

Chan of course wants to do everything Esme is doing and so he's practicing his letters too.  Chan is also loving that the babies laugh so much when he plays with them.  He's such a great big brother.

Our big helper.  Esme likes to feed the babies which is a huge help. 

Eve can't get enough of this teething biscuit!

Pops putting on her charm :)

Big sister hard at work and little sisters hard at play.  

We try to take an evening walk around the neighborhood most days.  And sometimes this is how the walk ends.  Ha ha!

Little lady Eve

Post nursing photos are my fave.  

They weren't so sleepy after nursing this night.  

These might just be their Halloween costumes.  


Poppy studying the big kid toys.

Eve was so excited about her first trip to Coconut Island. 

Nakey, nakey babes!
