
Sunday, March 21, 2021

All Sorts Of News

Did I mention that we got a cat?  Shocking, I know.  Meet Toby - our first real pet.  We got 2 goldfish a few years ago and they're still alive so we decided to step it up a bit.  Nana found him for us and he's a great addition to the family.  He's still young and a little bit rascal but the kids LOVE him so much.  He loves to sleep in the most random places.
We're always trying to find new and fun things to do during COVID life.  Liliuokalani Gardens is always a fave for our fam as the kids always find fun things to do there.

Sometimes the kids do yoga together.  And then sometimes they just pile up on top of each other.

Oh and Evie finally decided she wanted to get earrings!  Poppy asked to get hers after the holidays. We went down to the mall, got them, and that was it.  Eve asked to go the next day and wouldn't take her hands off her ears cause she was scared so we didn't push it.  Then all of a sudden she asked again and did it this time!

This was as wacky as I could get the girls to be on "wacky Wednesday" during Dr Seuss week at school.

But normally, they're pretty goofy together :)

Chan joined a new baseball team!!!  We had to switch teams because of COVID and Chan's so happy to be back on the field!

More cuteness :)

And great news!  The kids are partially back to school in person!  They just started going twice a week for half days.  It's a start!  And they're loving it!  Chan was super excited for writing and worksheets!  

These girls :)

Chan: "3/17/21.  I'll never forget this day."  Chan got his very own library card.  He had so sign his name in order to do so and he did it!

A different set of twins ;)