
Sunday, November 30, 2014

Thanksgiving Weekend

We've been so healthy since we moved here (besides Esme's bout with Kawasaki's :) and we finally seem to have caught the bug that's going around.  Allen had a cold last week or so and Chan got it this weekend.  He's not so happy about his stuffy nose and cough because that makes it hard for him to sleep with his pacifier.  Might be a good time to get rid of it.  Hmmmm...
Chan enjoying a phone conference with mommy last week.  He was fascinated with the voices coming out of the ear pieces.  Thank goodness for the mute button!

Up close and personal with Chan

Cousin time after Malia's volleyball game

Too cool Esme

Esme getting her exercise at the park

We enjoyed a nice long Thanksgiving weekend with family otherwise.  We ate at Aunty B & Uncle Josh's house and even took some informal family pictures.  Here's the gang - all 20 of us!  Well actually Allen is trying to set up the tripod and SLR camera so the pic only includes 19 of us.  We couldn't get the timer to work on our camera so this is as good as it gets.  Aunty B ended up using her camera so I don't have those pics to upload yet :)
Our Lindsey-Pratt-Lyman-Honsberger Family

This was Esme's original choice of outfit on Thanksgiving morning.  She decided to change afterwards.  

Allen and Esme at her Keikiland Thanksgiving lunch. Esme and her class even made some of the food!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Esme Is A-Okay!

Esme's in the clear!  She had her follow up appointment at Kapiolani Hospital on Oahu this week for her Kawasaki's Syndrome.  She had a repeat echocardiogram and EKG that showed a normal heart still and a good check-up with Dr Melish, the infectious disease specialist.  She also had a repeat blood draw but we're still waiting on those results.  Dr Melish wants us to stay on the aspirin just a little longer and then we'll stop.  I talked Esme through the entire blood draw and she did amazing.  She even requested a purple needle.  Ha ha!  She watched the guy do the whole thing and didn't even flinch or cry.  I was very impressed.  Now we just have to go back in 1 and 5 years to check her heart again.  Dr Melish told us that she's got a 2% chance of getting Kawasaki's again and Chan also has a 2% chance of getting it.  Yikes!
Sucking her thumb as she gets ready for her echo

During her non-sedating echo

Watching Sofia The First during the whole procedure

EKG after the echo

Showing off her blood draw site

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Chan Turns 18 Months

Chan finally had another canine pop through this weekend.  Now he has both the upper and lower ones on the left and we're waiting on the right.  They'll probably take so long that it'll be time for his 2 year molars next!  Sheesh!  Chan turned 18 months this past week.  He also started pointing to his diaper when he pees or poops.  It's not all the time but he apparently does it at the sitter too and we hadn't even mentioned it to Aunty Monica.  So we've been putting him on the potty before bath and when he mentions it and he thinks it's the funniest thing.  He doesn't do anything of course but he has fun just sitting there and then he tells us "all pau."

Esme has her follow up at Kapiolani Hospital this week for her bout with Kawasaki's last month.  They'll do another echo and make sure her heart is still normal and then hopefully she'll be in the clear.  She's been really good about taking her mini aspirin every morning and the only thing we've noticed lately is her hands and feet are finally starting to peel.

This past weekend Esme's pre-school had a 4 hour free babysitting night for students and their siblings.  Allen and I decided to try and take both kids but we were unsure about Chan.  We were totally prepared for him to scream but he was so excited to play on the big kid playground and with all the toys at the preschool.  It was cute to see him with all the big kids and they just loved playing with our silly little guy!

Field trip to OK farm, playing with coffee beans

Kids table at family dinner

Our cool guys!

Esme under the sea at a birthday party

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Update By Pictures

Esme was the super reader in Ms Wendi's class these past 2 months.  We tallied 189 books read in that period even though we're sure we missed some.  This girl loves her books!  She got an award below and then a Berenstein's Bears book and a gift card to Yogurtland.  

 Chan still loves to eat!  This kid will try anything at least once and he always wants what other people are eating.  He loves to chew on bones too as you can see below.  

I couldn't resist when I saw this shirt at a consignment shop last week.  Now I just need to get a "Thing 1" shirt for Esme and a "Mother Of All Things" shirt for myself :)

Cousin number 1 and cousin number 6 holding hands while watching the ukulele band and hula dancers at the Waiakea Uka craft fair.

Allen's been working a lot of evening shifts and so this is what the kids like to do while mommy makes dinner.  Amazingly they can play with these things for quite a while without fighting!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

More Teeth For Chan

Chan's first canine came in without a problem but the second one is causing some trouble.  This weekend Chan walked around with his hand in his mouth most of the time and would occasionally say owww.  Poor guy!  One of his new words for the week was peacock which was sort of random.  He's getting to the age where he gets frustrated easily if he can't get his words out or his point across to us.  He'll get a little physical or right in our face while he continues to grunt.  For the most part Esme and him get along but he's also getting more and more into her things which can cause a problem.  Esme's also learning how to deal with that.

This weekend we went to the Volcano Village farmer's market and this was the first time the kids had to "dress warm" since we got here.  Chan didn't even know what to do when I was trying to put his jacket on him.  It was the first time both kids wore a jacket since we moved here!  How much our lives have changed!

Chan in his warm clothes.

Playing at the park near the market.

A couple weeks ago I asked Esme to write her name on this index card.  I didn't give her any help and this is what she came back with.  I asked her tell me about it and starting from the right side she said, "This is an E, this is an S, ummmmmmmmmm...lets pretend that's an M, and this is an E."