
Sunday, November 16, 2014

Chan Turns 18 Months

Chan finally had another canine pop through this weekend.  Now he has both the upper and lower ones on the left and we're waiting on the right.  They'll probably take so long that it'll be time for his 2 year molars next!  Sheesh!  Chan turned 18 months this past week.  He also started pointing to his diaper when he pees or poops.  It's not all the time but he apparently does it at the sitter too and we hadn't even mentioned it to Aunty Monica.  So we've been putting him on the potty before bath and when he mentions it and he thinks it's the funniest thing.  He doesn't do anything of course but he has fun just sitting there and then he tells us "all pau."

Esme has her follow up at Kapiolani Hospital this week for her bout with Kawasaki's last month.  They'll do another echo and make sure her heart is still normal and then hopefully she'll be in the clear.  She's been really good about taking her mini aspirin every morning and the only thing we've noticed lately is her hands and feet are finally starting to peel.

This past weekend Esme's pre-school had a 4 hour free babysitting night for students and their siblings.  Allen and I decided to try and take both kids but we were unsure about Chan.  We were totally prepared for him to scream but he was so excited to play on the big kid playground and with all the toys at the preschool.  It was cute to see him with all the big kids and they just loved playing with our silly little guy!

Field trip to OK farm, playing with coffee beans

Kids table at family dinner

Our cool guys!

Esme under the sea at a birthday party

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