Esme had a fussy/gassy night last night and we think it might be due to the raw broccoli I ate for dinner. I'm pretty sure I've eaten it cooked since she's been born but didn't recognize any problems then. I'll have to test that one out again. But so sad since broccoli is one of my favorite veggies :( We also had visitors last night and Esme got another homemade quilt from her Auntie LeAnne and Auntie Kathy but the finishing touches still had to be done with the help of Nana's quilting skills :)

Yesterday I finished reading "To Esme - With Love and Squalor" which is a short story by J.D. Salinger. It's super short and a bizarre ending but not unexpected from the author. I came across the name Esme when I was scouring the baby names books for girls names and I really liked the meaning - beloved, loved one, esteemed one. However I wasn't thrilled that it was also a character in the Twilight series which I was most definitely not a fan of so I kept looking for other names. In the end though I kept coming back to Esme and so I did a little research which is where I learned about the J.D. Salinger short story. Turns out there's also an Esme in the children's series by Lemony Snicket: A Series of Unfortunate Events which I read a few years back. And since I don't have one patient by the name Esme I decided it was still a unique enough name and it stuck! One website described it as a good substitute for names like Zoe, Lindsey, or Hailey. Ha ha!
Allen will post the pics as soon as he gets up this morning :)
Tummy time on the new quilt
Sleeping like Daddy