
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Bed Head

Our nighttime routine consists of Allen giving Esme a bath, me doing her last feeding of the night, and then Allen reading her a story and putting her in her crib. Recently Allen's discovered all the fun he can have with her hair in the bath...

Bath experiment #1

And this is what it looked like in the morning.

Bath experiment #2. And you don't want to know what it looked like in the morning :)

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

More pictures

Here's some more pics from this weekend that I wasn't able to post earlier for some reason...

Esme in her Dr. Seuss outfit

Esme and Uncle Richard

Flying baby!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Crazy weekend!

Phew, what a weekend! Esme had quite the busy schedule and was all over town. On Saturday morning she had her first field trip with her daycare at the Woodland Park Zoo. She loved seeing all her friends on the weekend and I enjoyed getting to meet them all for the first time, along with their parents. Allen was unable to make it since he was busy running in the Rock-N-Roll Marathon. We dropped him off bright and early on Saturday and then picked him up at the finish line after we finished at the zoo. Then we hopped in the car and drove down to Vancouver to visit my great-uncle Richard and help celebrate his 83rd birthday. On Sunday we even got to visit my cousins Russ & Jen and their little one, Colton, in Oregon before driving back home. Esme will have so many stories to share with Faye and the kids at daycare tomorrow :)

Daddy finished the marathon and is still smiling!

Esme drooling in anticipation of Uncle Richard's present opening

Esme checking out the birthday cake

The little cousins (Colton and Esme)

Esme's hamming it up in the background :)

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Welcome Summer!

We'll keep our fingers crossed that summer is here to stay but you never know in this area. Esme and I are still going to the parent-baby class on Tuesday mornings and today there was a guest presenter who taught us all about music and movement with babies. There was a lot of singing and rolling around which pooped Esme out by the end of class. Then we enjoyed a nice walk along Lake Washington and some play time at the park. Once we got home we layed out under the big tree in the backyard cause she loves to look at the light that comes through the leaves.

The transition to daycare has gone really well. I drop Esme off around 8am, unless I have to do newborn rounds at the hospital in which case it's earlier. I fill out a "communication sheet" with the times of her last feeding and last diaper change, and then give Faye the 3 bottles of my pumped milk. She's the only infant there and everyone seems to love her. Then Allen picks her up around 4pm and they get some bonding time before I get home. Faye sends the paper home letting us know how much she ate that day, the times she napped, and how many wet and poopy diapers she had. She got a little cold from daycare in her second week but it passed without any issues.

Ooohhh, and here's some good news - broccoli is back! I stopped eating it for awhile since it made Esme fussy but I reintroduced it without any issues. At most if makes her toot sometimes and I can definitely handle that :)

Playing in the backyard with dad

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day

So much has happened in the past year cause it was last Father's Day that I told Allen we were pregnant. We were camping, just the two of us, and I wished him Happy Father's Day when we woke up that Sunday morning. He told me "there's no father's here" and promptly changed the subject but little did he know that I was growing a little walnut...or maybe she was a pea or the size of some other small piece of food at that time ;)

Allen got to chose what he wanted to do today so he opted for the free burger for father's at the Lunchbox Laboratory in Seattle. This time Esme stayed awake for the whole experience. She even dazzled the other restaurant patrons with her cute smiles :)

Smiles for daddy!

So serious, like mother, like daughter.

"Oh dad! Stop trying to tickle me!" says Esme

As if those cheeks couldn't look any bigger...

Check out these homegrown wrists!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

4 Months Old

Woohoo! Today was Esme's 4 month birthday and we celebrated by taking her in to my office for her 4 month well baby exam and shots. She was a trooper though and had one loud cry and then fell asleep right after her shots. We thought she might be fussy again tonight like she was after her 2 month shots but we were wrong. She hasn't needed any Tylenol or anything. She actually rallied for a party with Allen's co-workers and was excited to hang out with everyone. Here's her stats for today - length 25 3/4 in = 90%, weight 15 # 7 3/4 oz = 90%, head 15 3/4 in = 25%. All on target with her past growth curves and meeting all her developmental milestones!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Lots of Laughs

Esme's becoming more and more interactive with other infants/children and I think all the socializing at daycare has helped that along. At our parent-baby class last week there was a little 6 month old girl next to us who kept trying to crawl on our blanket and Esme was just laughing it up as she watched her. It was the first time I've seen her laugh on her own, without us trying to provoke it :)

Upside down with dad

Someone loves to play airplane :)

Legwarmers make a comeback!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

This Bean has all kinds of rolls

Well, I was watching Esme while Zoe went to get a massage... I thought it would be fun to do airplane/supergirl with her.  She promptly decided to puke in my mouth (I guess all I can say is that it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be). So, while I'm cleaning up, I put her on her back on the blanket.  I turn back around and she's on her stomach! I go through my head wondering if I missed something... here's the evidence:

Esme has  been working at this for weeks now.  She's been able to roll from front to back for over a month now.  What's been getting in her way has been her shoulder.  Yesterday, she was almost all the way over, but just got frustrated and went back. This a big step developmentally... she's on track to be a super hero!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Laughing it up

Allen and I are constantly trying new ways to get Esme to laugh and slowly but surely it's getting easier. She's not as serious as she used to be as you can see by the pics :) Lately she's been drooling a ton so we're finally getting use out of all the bibs we've gotten. And before I thought we would't need them till we started solids but I was wrong!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

So many changes

I'm not sure if it's daycare or what but Esme has really been changing in the past week or so. Like I said before she's talking and cooing a lot more which provides endless enjoyment for Allen and I. Now she likes to look at reflections in the mirror at home and even in her little mirror opposite her carseat in the backseat of the car. We also have lots of fun getting dressed now cause she's starting to play peek-a-boo. It's much better than the fussing she used to do when we'd get her dressed. Here's a picture of that cute little tongue she keeps sticking out at us nowdays. I was focusing on her so much that I accidentally cut off Allen. Oops!