Esme's been so busy in the past week that it's hard to figure out where to start! Last weekend we took her on her first ever camping trip out on the Key Peninsula and she did awesome. I wasn't really sure how she'd do sleeping in a big tent so we took her pack-n-play which made things a little easier. At least we knew she wouldn't roam all over the tent during the night. She went to bed later than normal but slept until exactly 6am which is her normal wake time and she didn't make a peep the whole night. During the day we went on some clamming adventures and she liked walking on the rocks during low tide and playing in the little puddles. Esme and I actually left all the clam digging up to everyone else. Unfortunately though she got so dirty on the first day that I decided to take her back to the car to clean her up and on our walk up the beach Esme dropped the car keys and for almost an hour we thought we lost them. It was awful since our car was still loaded with all our camping stuff and we were FAR from home. Luckily Uncle Chester and Addy found them and we were saved. Otherwise Esme enjoyed hanging out at our camp site but made sure to stay clear of the fire pit which was fine with me.

Too cool - Addy & Esme Digging for clams at low tide

Just hanging out at base camp Chillin in the camp chair

Stirring her oatmeal Determined to get the spoon to her mouth
Esme also got to meet up with her Awntee Bee (my best friend Brie) and Noonoo (Bree's mom) while on a layover at the Seattle Airport. Esme liked showing Awntee Bee all her cool, shiny hair clips and watching the escalators with Noonoo. We attempted to take a picture of all of us but Esme got ahold of the camera beforehand and wouldn't let it go so that didn't work out so well.
Not only does Esme say Bella, one of her classmates, but now she says Adler too which is one of the babies at daycare. Whenever she sees a baby now she just calls it Adler. She has a hard time with the d sound so it ends up sounding like Ah-ler. She's transitioned to napping with all the big kids on a little mat instead of in her pack-n-play which means she's only napping once at daycare. At home she still seems to need a morning and afternoon nap to get by.
Her 4th molar is still just under the surface and Esme frequently puts her fingers in her mouth around that area. The others are almost all the way through so we've seen some changes in her eating. She's eating more sandwiches, meat, vegetables and also branching out in her tastes. The latest addition to her diet includes homemade guacamole with lots of garlic.
Esme got a very special present in the mail the other day - her very own Rody! It was a surprise gift from Nana who's going to be here in just a few weeks to play with Esme. Allen had a hard time using the pump so just decided to blow it up on his own :)