Esme had an awesome day! I picked her up from daycare and she was excited to be able to carry home her plastic pumpkin full of goodies. She even dug in and found some Smarties and wanted it as soon as we got in the car. We've never really given her candy and barely any sweets and she's never been really interested till now. So I figured I'd let her try it out and she ended up eating two little rolls of it! I made sure she got some good dinner in and then we got her dressed in her cow outfit for the evening. We went to just four of our neighbors houses and that was enough. Everyone was excited to see her and she was in awe of all that was going on around her. Plus she was excited about all her new candy. After that she was content hanging out at home with us and opening the door everytime we had trick-or-treaters. We let her stay up past her bedtime to be a part of all the festivities too. By the time we put her down, about an hour after her normal bedtime, she was wiped out and didn't make a peep! We're just glad we made it through the day without any major candy meltdowns and we'll make sure to hide her plastic pumpkin and all the candy remnants tomorrow :)
My pumpkin pre-cutting
Allen carving out Boba Fett from Star Wars
Practicing giving candy to Addy the garden gnome
Her cute little cow tail
My little cow
Checking out her loot on our front steps
Delivery goody bags to her neighbor friends