Wow how time flies! We made it to Seattle and back in one piece and we had a lot of fun along the way. We arrived into Seattle late one evening and stayed the night at the Patoc residence. Esme was so excited to see her friend Addy that she even wanted to wake her up that night. I convinced her that that wasn't a good idea but the next morning before Addy went to school she snuck into Esme's room. Esme was very jet lagged but I gently woke her up and told her Addy was there and she just about jumped out of her bed with a smile on :) They were so happy to be reunited again! They got in a little playtime before we hopped in the car and drove all the way to Canada.
The airplane set up - Chan napped inbetween us and we brought extra blankets to make a bed on the floor for Esme. She's under the pink blanket down there...
Addy & Esme reunited again!
A quick stop at our favorite Vietnamese restaurant before hitting the road.
Unfortunately we still caught the Friday afternoon traffic on I5 and it was a longer drive than we wanted it to be. The kids had obviously forgotten what long car rides were like and they weren't always the happiest about being strapped in for so long. Once we got there though it was nice to get set up in a little cottage with Allen's sisters family. Esme and her cousin Kai were so happy to see each other again too! The weekend was a whirlwind of family get togethers, lunches, and of course the wedding reception that we travelled there for. Apparently we were the family that travelled the furthest too! Way to go!
The Shih cousins, Kai, Chan and Esme
Chan was so happy to be out of his carseat!
A makeshift playpen at a Canadian Starbucks.
Family photo opp!
Hanging out with second cousin Ollie who's just a month younger than Chan
The backyard reception was well equiped for kids
Selfies with the kids
The bride and groom in the backyard
Celebrating Uncle Yo-yo's birthday before we left Canada
We spent the weekend in Canada and then headed back down to Seattle again. Yes, it was a lot of driving! Esme had this knack for always having to go potty right as we're going through the border crossing which was a challenge for Allen and I. Luckily Allen is a fast runner and got her in and out fast! We stayed at Aunty LeAnne and Uncle Rex's house in Seattle and were lucky enough to catch them for less than a day before they took off on their own adventure.
Esme and Chan got a special treat and were able to attend their old daycare for a few days. Ms Faye was so happy to see them that she was crying on the first day. Unfortunately Chan didn't remember them very well but Esme couldn't stop talking about her best friend Juna until we got there. During those evenings we had dinner with friends we missed since we left WA and then Allen and Chan had to leave early so Allen could get back to work.
A quick visit with baby Nora before they took off for the week
Ms Faye missed her Esme!
Esme was so excited to see Juna again!
We visited their favorite old neighborhood park after school
Dressing up with Natalie
A picnic at the Mitchell's house
Mommy got to meet up with old co-workers. Miss these girls!
Playdate with cousin Tabby at Carkeek Park
Mapping out the Puget Sound together
WA beaches are soooooo cold!
Esme chose the glasses and headband while shopping with mom
We had a playdate with our old neighbors Sydney and Simon
Esme and I stayed a few days to play some more and visit with other friends. We ended up back at Addy's house so the girls could have sleepovers, playdates, and lots more fun together before we left again.
Extra playtime with Addy
A visit to the Cougar Mountain Zoo, perfect for little ones
The Shih and Patoc girls
Out to lunch with Addy and their baby leopards
By the end of the trip Esme was very ready to get back home. She missed her Nana and cousins and just normalcy and routine. Unfortunately we got stuck in the airport for an entire day and ended up having to fly the next day. This made for some fussy travellers between the two of us but thanfully we're back home now. Esme started her new preschool Keikiland the day after we got back and I started my new job so it was a busy first week of September! More later...
Esme was so excited to go home in the morning
But then we had to camp out in the airport for 9 hours
I was so tired that I begged them for a wheelchair to help get Esme out of the airport
Esme was excited for her Frozen t-shirt I had to buy her to sleep in the hotel while we waited for our flight the next day