Mommy's rainbow jello masterpiece!
Esme requested carrot cake decorated with rainbows.
She even chose her own birthday outfit to go with her crown from Nana.
We finally got her bedroom set up and are still working on decorating...
Chan also started a new daycare this month. We said goodbye to Aunty Monica and transitioned him to Aunty Veva's house. Aunty Veva used to be a teacher at Esme's school and she's also set up to watch the twins when the time comes. Chan is loving the new space and his new friends. He's even learning some Spanish from Aunty Veva and picking up on her accent. It cracks us up! Chan is working on sleeping in the trundle bed in his room and we're hoping to transition him completely before the twins arrive.
Chan waiting for his dentist appointment. He looks like a little version of his older self here.
The kids enjoying the new van and their "beela's" aka blankets.
Valentine's Tea Party at Esme's school.
Aunty Bree visited us in Hilo!
The kids love to paint!
Esme is always trying to mix all the colors regardless of the end result always being the same...brown!
The twins are continuing to grow, grow, grow! At my last OB appointment I measured as big around as a full term person with only one baby. So basically that's as big as I've ever gotten before so it'll be interesting to see where it all goes from here. My weight gain is still slow but the reassuring part is that the babies continue to grow. Babies were head down still with one on the left side and one on the right. Their movements seem to get smaller and smaller as they get more and more cramped. And just when I think it's impossible to get any more tired, the degree of tiredness changes. This whole pregnancy can be categorized by the variations of tiredness. Ha ha! But honestly that's really as bad as it's been so far so I can't complain too much. I continue with weekly non-stress tests at the hospital, next OB appointment is next week, and the next ultrasound is in 2 weeks.
Baby shower at work.
My basketball belly
Just waiting for 2 more goodballs to add to the group...