
Friday, April 15, 2016

Hanging In There

Yep, we're still here.  Just incredibly consumed with trying to get our little girls up to speed in the real world.  Poppy and Eve are still not back to their birth weights yet but they're trending that way finally.  They continue to solely breastfeed and are getting much more efficient with their latch and how much they can take in.  I've also been able to pump off all the extra milk and start my next freezer supply.  We've been visiting their pediatrician weekly for check-ins but this week we were told we could come back in 2 weeks and hopefully by then they'll finally be over 5 pounds!

Allen and I are still figuring out how to juggle all four kids when we're home together.  Thankfully we've kept Esme and Chan in pre-school and daycare so their routines aren't too out of whack.  They have their moments of frustrations dealing with our new normal but for the most part they are excited to have their little sisters around.  Esme loves to hold Poppy and Eve.  She even loves to just sit next to them and watch them sleep.  Chan just likes to give each one a kiss on the head and then he's happy.  He finally held Eve yesterday (first time since the hospital) and was actually upset when I went to take her back.  The "big kids" have been having fun playing baby though and getting out their old tummy time blankets.

Tummy time for all.

Skin to skin on mom to help with feeding and growing.  

Proud big brother.

Our boy in blue.

They found the stash of pacifiers.

Poppy the peanut!


Esme happy to have a playdate when the Mitchell's were visiting.

Proud big sister with Natalie and Tosh.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Baby Updates

I keep thinking of posting pics for everyone to see but these little peanuts are quite time consuming!  We discharged from the hospital last Wednesday afternoon and had a follow up with our pediatrician on Friday.  Both girls lost weight which is expected but they now weigh 4# 8oz which is pretty tiny.  I've been attempting to nurse them and initially supplemented with some formula until my milk came in at the end of the week.  It's a pretty challenging schedule to keep up especially in the middle of the night cause it seems like as soon as we finish nursing, supplementing and pumping that we have to start again not long after.  So far only Poppy is latching most of the time.  Eve is struggling to get it right and so we always attempt it but then she usually gets a bottle of my pumped milk afterwards.  We've got a home visit by a lactation consultants this week to help with the feeding issues.  And next visit to the docs office is at the end of the week.

Esme and Chan are handling the transition really well.  Thankfully our family here has been SUPER helpful with taking them to school, picking them up, going on their field trips, making us meals, running errands, picking up groceries, etc.  We couldn't do it without them!

One more shot from the night they were born...

Going home.  The adventure begins!

The girls barely fit in their carseats.  The chest buckle is at about their mouth level.  It doesn't look comfortable but they passed their carseat trial in the hospital (cardiac and oxygen monitoring while in the carseat for an hour).  

First night sleeping at home.  

The girls!

Love their little legs!

Tummy time together.

Doubling up in the Moby wrap

Just for perspective, Poppy is laying in a size 4 diaper.