She's six years old! When did that happen??? Esme had a great birthday with all her cousins and family. When I asked her the next day what she liked about her birthday she replied, "getting to eat Cheetos." Ha ha! Oh Esme-bean!
Esme is the girliest girl ever! She loves pink, purple, gold and anything that shimmers. She likes long skirts, dangley earrings, and high heels (which she admires from afar ;) She's got a sense of fashion that's all her own and I can't really convince her otherwise once she's dressed. Where did this girl come from? Ha! She's the best big sister every and loves all her younger siblings. Her and Chan have their moments but for the most part they love each other just the same. Esme is the biggest helper when it comes to the babes. She does her best to help us take care of them and really wants to be included. She's thriving in school and so fascinated with reading, writing and math. It's a whole new world for her. She's a social butterfly and says hi and bye to everyone when we pick her up from school. Esme continues in gymnastics twice a week and so far hasn't expressed an interest in any other sports or activities. And that's our Esme!
Cousin pic, just missing the babies.
Birthday morning at home.
And after school.
Yummy carrot cake with Trolls characters on it.
Enjoying the make up set she got from Aunty B.
The kids LOVE to sing happy birthday to each other!