Chan lost his first tooth right before his birthday. He was so excited that he wiggled it free in just a few days. He now has 2 more loose ones and he hasn't even touched them. I think he's a little freaked out by the process now.
Getting big!
We had a pre-birthday celebration at family dinner the night before his birthday. He requested chocolate cake even though he doesn't like chocolate.
Birthday boy on his birthday morning. He woke up early and I shared with him the story of his birth, that started early in the morning, also on a Friday, six years ago.
Kings Land! He started off on the kiddie pool slides and soon advanced to the big kid slides.
Having fun!
The kids weren't necessarily getting along or being easy at dinner but somehow they managed to pull it together for an impromptu picture. It was so random.
I just love her bedhead!
And hers too!