Yesterday was only slightly better for Esme. It rained in the morning which helped to cool everything off and also provide some white noise for her to fall asleep to. She got in a good one hour morning nap at least. Then I took her to Hilo Hospital to visit with some of my old co-workers and she liked the change of scenery AND the air conditioning :) She's still been hot and sticky so I just gave her a tepid bath before bed last night and maybe that helped cause she only woke up once last night. Since we've been here she's been waking up twice which is not like her. On a more exciting note, Esme got to meet her cousin Tosh last night and then Uncle Sterling got her to laugh like never before. I tried to catch it on video but I was too slow.

Cruisin on the couch

Nana - the manual fan

Cousin Toshie Boy aka Bam-Bam

Esme and Uncle Sterling
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