
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Happy Halloween

Esme's all set for Halloween.  The kids at Faye's Daycare will trick-or-treat around the neighborhood in the afternoon on Monday and then we've got our bowl of candy all set for our house that evening.  We're not sure if Esme will make it till then so we dressed her up over the weekend just in case.  As you can see below, she's got a few outfits to choose from.

Esme's enjoying waving hi and bye to us lately and really exploring how loud her voice can get.  Of course the first time she did this was at a restaurant and has been going strong ever since :)  She finally figured out how to go from lying on the floor to a sitting position by herself and now she goes up and down, and up and down all the time.  She continues to try to pull up on whatever she can but she still has a ways to go.       

       Angry Birds and a 2 Toothed Jack-O-Lantern (like Esme)                Winter bear suit that doubles as a Halloween costume

                                         Ladybug!                                                                                Practicing her daily yoga

Wearing the bear blanket

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