
Sunday, January 15, 2012

11 Months Old

All of  a sudden Esme seems like she's changing so rapidly and today marks her 11 month birthday.  She's really enjoying eating more solid foods and especially feeding herself.  If we try to put something in her mouth then she immediately spits it out into her hand, looks at it and then puts it back in her mouth herself.  Then she likes to rub her hands in her hair at the same time.  A lot of food ends up on the floor and I keep having to tell myself that's part of the process and just let it go :)

Esme's latest trick is sucking in her cheeks and we finally caught it on camera.  She thinks this is pretty cool along with blowing raspberries once in awhile.  She also likes to point at things with her pointer finger.  When she's feeling daring, she can stand up without holding on for almost a minute.  However, no steps yet.

This weekend we spent some time with her friend Libby in Crescent Bar which was super cold, about 20-30 degrees, but at least it was sunny and dry.  On the way back home, going over the mountain passes, we encountered the snow storm that's currently hitting the greater Seattle area and we came home to a snow covered house.  Esme thought it was pretty funny to watch the snow come down.  She even grabbed some off a tree branch and ate it. 

She's handling her ear infection well and almost done with her liquid antibiotics.  Most of the time she takes it without difficulty but sometimes we have to distract her to get it all down.  Our other trick involves putting the medicine on a spoon instead of in the syringe and that works too.  Her top right central incisor is still coming down and the other 3 are continuing to bulge.  As long as she lets me put my fingers in her mouth, I try and check everyday but nothing yet.

                        Making a mess                                                                               Feeding time hairdo

                 Hamming it up with Libby                                                                 The latest trick - sucking in her cheeks

                 All bundled in the stroller for a walk                                                              Snow in the driveway

                  Grabbing the snow off the tree                                                                 Trying to spit it out ASAP

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