
Sunday, February 26, 2012

Hilo Rain

We made it to Hilo but it was definitely one of the harder plane rides we've had.  Esme cried for a third of the flight, then she slept for about a third, and then she was up and fine the other third of the time.  Luckily the guy we sat next to was understanding.  He was a bigger guy with hairy arms and Esme had a lot of fun poking at his arms when she was awake.  I guess she hasn't experienced that before ;) 

It's been off and on rainy since we've gotten here and the nighttime downpours are a nice white noise for sleeping.  Esme's had an easier time adjusting to the humidity this trip and also all the noise since houses aren't insulated here.  However she's still going through multiple clothing changes a day with a little sweating, the drooling, all the water she's drinking and the new foods she's trying.  So far she's enjoyed papaya, apple bananas, fresh poi and her lilikoi birthday cake.  She's done well with all the new people and getting to know all her cousins again.  She's been nicknamed the "cautious but curious" one.  The most amazing thing was how good her walking has gotten as soon as we got here.  Now she takes steps all on her own without us calling to her and she'll go across the entire room.  If we're out and about she loves walking just holding onto our fingers.  Now we just need to find some walking shoes in her size since she still fits in 0-6 month shoes.

                 Cousin Tosh feeding Esme her blueberries                                                                            Cousin Malia

                          Esme loves the shopping cart                                                                                    Esme and the Hawaii cousins

                        Esme's lilikoi birthday cake                                                                                                   Cousin Charlie

                       Enjoying the nice breeze on the lanai                                                                    Dipping her feet in the fish pond

                                          Cousin Tosh                                                                                         Just cruisin in her diaper

                   Esme and Hunter all dressed up and ready to go                                                     One of many baths in the sink with Nana

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