Esme got to attend her first MLS soccer game this weekend, Seattle Sounders vs Colorado Rapids. We were unsure how she'd do but it all worked out well in the end. She slept for a large portion of the game and didn't even stir during all the commotion and fireworks after a goal was made. Then when she woke up she enjoyed pointing out all the other kids in the stands around us. That seemed to keep her distracted enough.
Esme's enjoying playing outside when it's nice out and exploring either our driveway or the backyard. Allen's been working hard to get our yard ready for summer so that she can run all over it. When she's inside she still likes to go through all the cabinets in the kitchen that aren't child proofed. She leaves Tupperware or cookbooks all over the kitchen floor afterwards.
Tomorrow Esme goes to the doctor to see if she's over her last ear infection. We finished her antibiotics at the end of last week but now she has a clear runny nose. It's hard to say if it's from teething or another cold at this point. She still just has the 4 teeth on top and 3 on the bottom but she seems to get by pretty well with those. Since blueberries are out of season she's moved to strawberries and grapes for her favorite fruits. We continue to offer her all the foods that we're eating but it's hit or miss whether or not she likes it or will eat it all.

Family photo at the Sounders game "How big is Esme? SOOOOOO BIG!!!"

Playing with the Tupperware Wearing her large sleepsack and blanket

She didn't lose her cheeser smile! Playing in the yard