We had the perfect weather for outdoor fun this weekend. On Saturday we took Esme to the Bunny Bounce at Woodland Park Zoo where she got to watch the animals open up their own special easter eggs full of raw meat. She had no idea what was going on but she really liked watching the little penguins and kept trying to climb over the glass into the water. Yikes! Afterwards we took her to Gasworks Park where we threw some plastic eggs on the grass and she practiced picking them up and putting them in her basket. Apparently she did this at daycare too on Friday so she got the hang of it quick. However on Sunday when Jacob, Addy and Esme went to hunt eggs in our backyard she pretty much forgot what to do. She just plopped on the ground and kept pointing to all the egss lying on the grass. Finally Jacob had to share some with her to help fill her basket. With all the excitement she decided to skip her afternoon nap and play outside with her friends. We were impressed at how long she lasted and thinking she'll sleep pretty well tonight.

Watching the penguins at the zoo Jacob sharing easter eggs with Esme

Esme accessorized herself Loves getting tossed

Apparently Esme lost her cheesy smile :( Someone's getting tired, hiding under the table
what a cute dress! and an adorable girl! Happy Easter...