
Monday, May 28, 2012

Happy Memorial Day

We enjoyed a few days in Portland for the holiday weekend and Esme got to see all her cousins, great aunts and uncles, and also great-grandparents.  Despite the travel and being out of her normal routine she was on her best behavior and wowed everyone with all her little tricks ;)  She's turning into quite the little monkey.  Ha ha!  Best of all for us was that she tolerated the long car ride by sleeping most of the time and we only had to stop once for some fresh air.  Then today she helped Allen work on replacing some of the wood on the deck.  That was a short lived adventure as she kept wanting to chew on all his tools.  Her molars are still bulging but nothing's come through just yet.  I bet they'll all come through at the same time.  

This was exactly how she wanted to go to daycare last week.  It took me awhile to convince her otherwise.

Handing daddy tools

She still hasn't lost those arm rolls ;)

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Lots Of Shots

Esme had her 15 month physical today and passed with flying colors.  She demonstrated some climbing in the exam room and some of her other great tricks.  Her weight was 21# 15oz and height was 30in so she's 50% for both.  Today we also noticed that her lower right lateral incisor is finally popping through so that would explain the runny nose she's had lately.  Apparently her molars are on their way up too but they're still below the surface.  She got four shots today and cried initially but was over it as soon as she could sit up.  Even I handled it better than before :)  Now she just has one more shot in the fall (which we'll just add on with her flu shot) and then nothing else till she's 4 years old!  All her physicals between now and then will be shot free!

Our little prodigy :)

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Silly Little Girl

We don't wear shoes in the house so Esme was so excited when I ordered a pair in the mail and she got to wear them inside.  She could barely make it a few steps but she kept trying.  It's the little things in life ;)

She loves her new helmet and wears it everywhere when she's outside.  

Esme is fascinated with glasses.  She loves to take them off our face and attempt to put them on her own.  Of course she always ends up needing help and then as soon as we put them on her she pulls them off again.  And then she wants to do it all over again!  Phew!

Esme's learning to work on her engine.  Ha ha!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Fifteen Months Old

Esme will have her 15 month physical next week but today marks the day.  She's really coming along with her language.  She can say dada, doggie, duck, uh-oh, hi, and no clearly.  Once in awhile she'll imitate what we'll say and she's said mama in the past but it's not consistent.  She's still signing too - milk, more, eat, diaper, birdie, all done, and please.  The only sentence she's made so far is "hi doggie."  As for Mandarin, she can say hello and thank you and she's working on saying light.  We catch her singing among her babble sometimes and we figure it must be songs she's learned at daycare.  She can also point to all her facial body parts when she's asked in Mandarin and some in English.  Of course she understands both languages better than she can communicate back to us at this point.

Esme's walking and running all over the place and recently been trying to climb up on everything.  She likes to find things that can act as a stool to help boost her up onto the couch, look in drawers, etc.  She can go up and down the stairs on her tummy but she's also trying to master walking up steps with holding on to someone's hands.  We just got her a helmet for her little push bike so she's nice and safe.  She hasn't quite mastered holding onto the handles which are far apart.  Instead she likes to put her hands really close together in the center of the bar. 

Her favorite foods continue to be blueberries, grapes, strawberries, and yogurt.  Next would probably be rice and noodles.  Thank goodness for daycare cause apparently she eats great when she's there.  Ms Faye says she wishes all her kids could eat as good as Esme.  At home it's really hit or miss.  We continue to give her all the foods we're eating and she'll at least try them before mashing it up on her tray and then rubbing it on her chest or in her hair.  We're still able to give her my frozen breastmilk and she also gets whole milk and water to drink.

Esme fits 12 month clothes just right and her feet might actually be a size 3 now.  Her hair is also filling in and getting longer but we haven't had it cut yet.  I just put it in a ponytail so it's out of her eyes and that seems to work for now.  She hasn't gotten a new tooth for a few months so she just has the 4 on top and 3 on bottom.  She's not a big fan of flossing and brushing her teeth so it's a struggle for all of us.  I caved and bought her an electric toothbrush and that helped for a few days but now we're back to where we used to be.  She likes to walk around with it in her mouth and every once in awhile we'll try to aim it towards her teeth and get a few brushes in.  It's a long process :)

Part of Esme's bedtime routine includes reading books and her current two favorite are The Napping House and On The Night You Were Born.  She likes to point out and say doggie in The Napping House and duck in On The Night You Were Born.  She's also really interested in books with pictures of other kids.  There's a stack of books on her nightstand and we point to each one and she lets us know which one she wants us to read by grunting.  If it's the right one she settles right down in your lap but if it's the wrong one she fusses and squirms around.

Esme's first car

She found the gas pedal :)  Go car, go!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

Esme gave me a great treat this morning and actually slept in a bit.  Instead of getting up at 6am she woke up closer to 7am :)  On Friday she also gave me my first piece of Mother's Day art from daycare.  They used a cut out of her hands to make a flower and a cutout of her feet to make the leaves.  It totally brought tears to my eyes!  Today we're hoping to go on a hike with Esme in the Ergo on my back.  We picked a hike close to home so that we don't have to travel too far and hopefully she holds up okay.  She's had a runny nose and cough for the past few days and I think it's more of a cold than teething but we'll see.  She's been more fussy too but as long as we keep her distracted she's good.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Seattle To San Jose And Back Again

We made a quick trip down to San Jose, CA this weekend for Allen's cousin Andy & Mei's wedding.  Esme did great on both plane rides and made friends with all the people around us.  Then when she wasn't saying to hi to everyone or using her cute face to make more friends she was actually napping on me.  We've learned that she likes the acceleration of the plane during takeoff and starts ooooohhhhhing and smiling.  She's a little more hesitant with the landing though.  Once we got off the plane she kept turning heads in the airport as she tried to lug her little cooler pack and follow us.  She was making everyone smile :)

Esme didn't sleep so well away from home and kept waking up the first night.  That led to a crazy long nap on Saturday so we missed the beginning of the wedding that we travelled all that way for but were able to make some of the reception.  Luckily we got to spend time with the rest of the Shih family throughout the weekend also.  Esme got to play with her only Shih cousin Kai, get lots of love and kisses from grandma and all the great-aunts, and even celebrate her great grandmother's 90th birthday!      
                         Walking through the San Jose airport                                                       Esme said "doggie" for the first time this weekend!
                             Esme and Great-Googers                                                                                    Esme and Great-Jo Ma                                             Now we know where she gets her cheeser from :)
                                            Smile!                                                                                                      Esme & Niang Niang
                 Cousin Kai-Kai bought Esme a Angry Bird doll                                                                   She looks so grown-up
                                    Family photo opp                                                                       Esme was so excited to get home and play                                                                                                                                                                She's great at multi-tasking with her toys