
Sunday, May 6, 2012

Seattle To San Jose And Back Again

We made a quick trip down to San Jose, CA this weekend for Allen's cousin Andy & Mei's wedding.  Esme did great on both plane rides and made friends with all the people around us.  Then when she wasn't saying to hi to everyone or using her cute face to make more friends she was actually napping on me.  We've learned that she likes the acceleration of the plane during takeoff and starts ooooohhhhhing and smiling.  She's a little more hesitant with the landing though.  Once we got off the plane she kept turning heads in the airport as she tried to lug her little cooler pack and follow us.  She was making everyone smile :)

Esme didn't sleep so well away from home and kept waking up the first night.  That led to a crazy long nap on Saturday so we missed the beginning of the wedding that we travelled all that way for but were able to make some of the reception.  Luckily we got to spend time with the rest of the Shih family throughout the weekend also.  Esme got to play with her only Shih cousin Kai, get lots of love and kisses from grandma and all the great-aunts, and even celebrate her great grandmother's 90th birthday!      
                         Walking through the San Jose airport                                                       Esme said "doggie" for the first time this weekend!
                             Esme and Great-Googers                                                                                    Esme and Great-Jo Ma                                             Now we know where she gets her cheeser from :)
                                            Smile!                                                                                                      Esme & Niang Niang
                 Cousin Kai-Kai bought Esme a Angry Bird doll                                                                   She looks so grown-up
                                    Family photo opp                                                                       Esme was so excited to get home and play                                                                                                                                                                She's great at multi-tasking with her toys

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