
Sunday, August 12, 2012

Summer Break Is Over

It's amazing how fast time flies sometimes and unfortunately this past week was one of those time. Nana left today and Esme'll go back to daycare tomorrow, but she seems like a whole different kid. Her language is really starting to explode.  She keeps asking "what's that?" and learning new words everyday. Nana did a great job of helping to reinforce all her new words too. Let's see if I can remember all the words she says - hi, bye, see ya, I see you, mama, dada, nana, banana, apple, hot, bath, baby, hair, nose, eye, ear, belly, toes, shoes, birdie, doggie, fish, duck, Bella, Adler, and that's all that comes to mind right now. One morning I heard her on the monitor reciting all her new words as she laid in her crib after waking up. It was like she was practicing by herself.  Her Mandarin is also coming along but I don't always know what she's saying.  From what I'm told she understands everything and can say a handful of words like all her body parts, careful, wash hands.  I can tell when she's babbling in English as compared to Mandarin though cause they sound so different.

Nana and Esme went on lots of adventures this past week while Allen and I worked.  They mostly involved playgrounds and playtime for Esme.  Then when we weren't working we had some family adventures too.  One day we caught the ferry over to Bainbridge Island for a day filled with shopping, eating, and strolling through town.  Then we also drove south to Portland to see my mom's family and help Uncle Chan celebrate his birthday.  Esme loved having someone in the back seat with her to keep her company during the 3 hour drive.  Our next trips to Portland won't be the same, that's for sure.

So it was a sad day today after taking Nana to the airport.  The house seemed so empty so Esme and I played outside in the yard and her pool most of the afternoon.  Then a very exciting thing happened - she pooped in the potty for the first time!  I recently got a seat to go over the big toilet and she seems to have better luck with that one instead of the free standing small potty.  Slowly but surely we'll get this potty training done :)

                                  Family photo opp                                                                                              Practicing her driving skills
                              Practicing her climbing skills                                                                        Esme's got quite the fashion sense ;)
                       Riding the gator kayak with Nana                                                                 Nana's wearing Esme's other sunglasses
                                 Visiting with Uncle Richard                                                                   Happy Birthday Uncle Chan

                                    Esme's so intrigued by dogs                                                     Our apple tree has perfect sized apples for her hands
Nana's farewell dinner - homemade potstickers

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