She's doing great with pottying at daycare though. She's dry in her diaper most of the day but it's not cause she's telling them she has to pee or poop. It's just because she wants to go anytime another kid is going (which can sometime be every half hour) and she's productive most of those times. They laugh cause she even finishes and claps for herself like we do at home. I still put her on the potty in the morning and evening but that's it. I ask her randomly during the day and it's hit or miss whether or not she wants to go. She's still not telling us when she has to go so we're just waiting for that to start to really push it any further.
Here's a random compilation of pictures from the past few weeks:
Esme loves to get in the front seat of the car when we get home. She pushes just about every button possible so that everything's going off the next time Allen or I get in our cars. Sometimes we even have to wrestle her out of the front seat to get her in the house.
Esme gets all kinds of ponytails now that her hair is getting longer. And daycare has fun with it too. Sometimes they'll send her home with 3 or 4 sprouts coming out of her head.
Esme loves her berries and could seriously finish that whole tray in one sitting. She likes to put the raspberries on her fingers and to get our attention she says "I see you!"
My cousins Shyla and Luke recently moved back to Seattle from London with their 8 month old daughter Tabitha. Esme loved playing with a new baby and showing off all her old toys. We took Tabby our old jumper, walker, etc and Esme was even interested in them again too. She also wanted to play with Tabby's things like wearing her bib (even though Esme hates bibs at home, we stopped using them ages ago) and slobbering all over her rings and giving them back to her ;)

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