Chan and I made it to Hawaii and back. It was a short trip, just 5 days, but it seemed like a long one so that was nice. We saw lots of family and got lots of things done, including a job interview for me so we're keeping our fingers crossed! Chan enjoyed the warmer weather and not having to bundle up everywhere we went. He also got to try apple bananas and papaya while we were there. He wasn't too keen on fresh poi as it's a little more sour tasting than the powdered stuff he has here in the mainland. While we were there he started to get up on all fours and then this weekend he started rocking on all fours. Yikes, that means crawling is around the corner sooner than we thought! He's been army crawling and pivoting on his belly for awhile now but I guess that wasn't good enough. He can roll over both ways but doesn't use that as his method of movement very often. And he's still not sitting up without support so we have to help him there. It's so different this time around because Esme sat up early and then army crawled almost until she walked.

Ready for takeoff!
Feeding the fish with Nana but Chan was interested in the dog instead
Chan LOVED his new foods in Hawaii!
It looks like he's singing here. Ha ha! Hanging out with cousin Mahina.
Getting up on all fours at Liliuokalani Park
One last day of no clothes
On the plane back to Seattle
It was hard to be away from Esme while we were in Hawaii, as I've only ever been away from her for a night before, when Chan was born. Her and Allen had lots of fun though. They celebrated Allen's birthday, went to the library, went shopping at Costco and Trader Joes and just stayed home and played.
Since I've been back Esme has been on a satsuma/tangerine kick. She eats about 8 of them a day. And today she ate almost an entire avocado with her lunch. She's always been a good eater but it's not always like her to go to such extremes!
The candles were more for Esme than anything else
Esme requested watermelon on her shopping trips
Esme got to dress herself completely while mommy was gone ;)