
Sunday, December 8, 2013

Scared Of Santa

We attempted to get the kids picture with Santa today but only one kid made it into the photo - Chan.  Esme wouldn't let go of me no matter what I coaxed her with so we decided that one was better than none.  The funny thing was, before we took the photo I was thinking that Chan would never have any pics with Santa by himself since his big sister would always be in it with him.  But I guess I was wrong - he got his own pic with Santa this year!

Chan popped out his second tooth last week - the lower left central incisor.  We had a few rough nights following that along with his cold.  He was waking up about every hour at night and would only sleep with Allen or I rocking him or with him laying on our chest.  Then miraculously this Friday night he just stopped and slept fine.  We're not complaining but with Chan we never know what his sleep schedule will be like.  He still puts his hand in his mouth a ton and is loving eating solid foods.

Esme must be going through a growth spurt cause she's been eating a lot more than usual lately.  She's still enjoying her grapefruit in the morning and has recently discovered toast and jam.  This weekend she had 3 servings of tomato soup and rice for lunch!  And at dinner we can always count on her to eat her broccoli too.  She really is a great eater!  But don't get me wrong, she's also been enjoying a piece of candy or two off her gingerbread house everyday.  This weekend we have waffles and bacon for breakfast and she kept saying, "I need some more bacon in my mouth."

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