
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Lots of Books

This past weekend marked 37 weeks for this pregnancy so technically baby could come at anytime now and be considered full term.  We're hoping it at least waits till the end of the month when Nana arrives to help us out.  All in all, this pregnancy has been very mild and similar to when I was pregnant with Esme.  The biggest difference was the number of colds that I got this time around.  I just got over my 6th one and when I was pregnant last time I didn't get sick once.  Baby feels bigger than Esme though and doesn't move around as much as I remember her moving around, though my weight gain is right on target with last time also.  I finally had a dream about the gender of baby the other night and was surprised cause I thought I might not have any at this point.  I had many dreams with Esme and they were all wrong so that's not saying much :)  I haven't had any Braxton Hicks contractions yet but have been told for weeks that they could be coming anytime. 

I had my weekly appointment today and all went well again.  Baby's heart rate was in the 130's, head was down and it's back was faced outwards, and my belly measured 36 1/2 cm.  We got the cars seats down and so now we're really ready to go.  I have another appointment with the midwife next week to make sure we're still on target.

Esme is at a really fun age right now and I'm trying to enjoy as much of our one-on-one time as possible before baby is born.  She's really into repeating phrases that we say or she makes up.  The most recent ones are "hold on" and "I told you...." and "look at me."  She constantly amazes us with what she learns at school each day too. When she says something unfamiliar then we figure that's where she picked it up from.  She still loves her books too. The current favorites are Go Dog Go, Olivia, Too Many Mangoes, and Tikki Tikki Tembo.  Bedtime always includes these books and then some.

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