Chan had his 2 week physical last Friday and passed with flying colors. Surprisingly he'd already gained a pound over his birth weight so he was 8# 1/2oz. Normally you'd want to see a breastfed baby back to their birth weight by the 2 week visit so he was well above that. He's obviously getting enough milk and I can attest to that since we spend sooooooooooo much time on the couch nursing. He even grew an inch so he fits his newborn clothes better. He also took his first shower this week and loved it! He didn't mind the small amount of water spray that would get on his face and he didn't fuss once. Usually with the bath he fusses at first and then calms down afterwards.
This weekend Allen's sister Ting and nephew Kai are in town to meet the new Shih addition. Pics to come later.....
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Thursday, May 23, 2013
We're slowly but surely getting used to our family of four now. Chan has been doing so awesome and so he's made it easy on all of us. He continues to nurse like a champ and I'm really having to work at pumping any extra milk to store since he just wants to drink it all up. I just want to make sure we have a little supply on hand in the freezer just in case. He wakes about twice at night to feed also and that's doable while I'm on maternity leave. He also enjoys lounging in his swing and bouncer, and he even tolerates tummy time a few times a day. Chan's belly button fell off last weekend so he got a bath for the first time earlier this week. It was a little shocking at first but then he was totally calm. Tomorrow he has his 2 week physical at my work so we'll keep you posted with any updates from there.
Allen and Esme have been spending more time together when I'm stuck on the couch nursing Chan. Esme has Allen doing all sorts of crazy things and it's cute to see them together. Allen's on paternity leave till the end of the month so they're getting in as much time together as possible. His parents were also in town last weekend and his sister and nephew will be here this coming weekend. We're definitely keeping busy!
Allen and Esme have been spending more time together when I'm stuck on the couch nursing Chan. Esme has Allen doing all sorts of crazy things and it's cute to see them together. Allen's on paternity leave till the end of the month so they're getting in as much time together as possible. His parents were also in town last weekend and his sister and nephew will be here this coming weekend. We're definitely keeping busy!
Trying to suck his fingers through his clothes
Esme wants to practice "tummy time" just like baby Chan
Chan can't get enough of his fingers, pacifier, and nursing ;)
Up close with Chan-Chan
First bath in the sink!
Her "ponies" were off this day
Making daddy wear her new headbands
Niang-Niang and Chan
Esme LOVES going to the park these days
Esme holding baby Chan like a good big sister
Friday, May 17, 2013
One Week Old
We survived our first week! Chan and I had a post-partum visit at the hospital earlier this week and we both checked out fine. He'd only lost an ounce from his discharge weight and his bilirubin levels were still in the normal range. During the visit they also checked how much milk he was getting when he nursed and he took in almost an ounce in less than 10 minutes. He's an incredible nurser! That boy loves his milk and he drains me of every last drop! Once my milk came in around day 3 then I started sleeping better knowing that he was filling up. Prior to that I couldn't fully fall asleep because I was constantly tuned in to any stirring he was doing. He usually wakes twice at night to nurse and last night he just woke once so we're both getting good rest in-between.
Esme continues to go to school everyday and I think she enjoys that time to herself. Then when she comes home she's our big helper. At school they're teaching her about being a big sister and how to help take care of babies. It's so cute! She is always very interested in Baby Chan and wants to know what he's doing. After having him do some tummy time Esme decided that she needed some too. Ha ha! She's also very good at testing out all his new toys and baby equipment. Overall I think she's doing great at adjusting to having a new sibling. She especially likes all the visitors and gifts she's been getting for being a big sister ;)
A visit from the Mitchell girls
Welcome to your new home Baby Chan
Esme was really excited for the neighbor kids to visit despite her face here
Aunty Trisha and Uncle Kyle come to meet Chan
Nana and the new addition
Saying goodbye to Nana
Chillin during tummy time
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Happy Mothers Day
It's a wonderful day to celebrate, as a family of four now instead of three! Allen's posted pics of our newest addition but I'll catch you all up to speed from my last post. We visited the midwife last Thursday along with having an US and non-stress test. Everything checked out fine so we were sent on our way. Mom, Allen and I spent the afternoon at the Bellevue Art Museum and walking around to keep busy. I was starting to feel crampy off and on but nothing significant so we kept up our normal activities. Early Friday morning I woke up at 4:30am with mild contractions that remained steady enough for us to wait at home till Esme woke up and we could get her to school when they opened at 7am. After that we headed straight to the hospital and it was a strange feeling to be going there so early and prepared. With Esme we barely made it. This time I was able to walk in, sign my admission paperwork, and get settled in my room. However my body knew when it was time to get down to business because not long after we got there things started intensifying quickly and our little baby was born less than 2 hours later. It was a natural birth again with about the same amount of pushing as with Esme. Both were quick so I can't complain. I couldn't have done it without the help of my midwife Heather, nurse Bennett, Allen and my mom who were at my side the entire time. Allen got to help catch little Chan coming out and announce to the room his gender. I heard him say "it's a boy" but was still pretty exhausted at that point to really take it in. Chan came to my chest immediately after his cord was cut and that's when I first saw him. It was wonderful!
He has his own look and we're still trying to figure out which side of the family his features are from. He doesn't look like Esme now or when she was born so it'll be interesting to see if things stay that way. And despite being only 1 1/2 ounces smaller than Esme he is much thinner than her at birth too. He's swimming in his newborn clothes! We had a few boy names picked out but Chan Jay was at the top of the list. It's a family name that started with my great-grandfather. It got skipped in my generation so I decided to bring it back. As for a nickname, who knows at this point. Esme calls him "baby Chan."
Based on my due date Chan was 6 days late but now looking back it's most likely that my due date was off by a week or two so Chan was actually right on time. Unfortunately that meant that Nana got here early and had to leave today. We had a really nice visit while waiting for Chan to come and we're all just glad that she was here for the birth. Esme really enjoyed all their special time together and even got used to calling for Nana in the morning instead of me when she wakes up. That's huge! And Esme spent her first night away from mom and dad the night that Chan was born. She came to the hospital that afternoon and then left in the evening with Nana and she did amazingly well. Luckily we'll be seeing Nana again in Hawaii at the end of next month.
He has his own look and we're still trying to figure out which side of the family his features are from. He doesn't look like Esme now or when she was born so it'll be interesting to see if things stay that way. And despite being only 1 1/2 ounces smaller than Esme he is much thinner than her at birth too. He's swimming in his newborn clothes! We had a few boy names picked out but Chan Jay was at the top of the list. It's a family name that started with my great-grandfather. It got skipped in my generation so I decided to bring it back. As for a nickname, who knows at this point. Esme calls him "baby Chan."
Based on my due date Chan was 6 days late but now looking back it's most likely that my due date was off by a week or two so Chan was actually right on time. Unfortunately that meant that Nana got here early and had to leave today. We had a really nice visit while waiting for Chan to come and we're all just glad that she was here for the birth. Esme really enjoyed all their special time together and even got used to calling for Nana in the morning instead of me when she wakes up. That's huge! And Esme spent her first night away from mom and dad the night that Chan was born. She came to the hospital that afternoon and then left in the evening with Nana and she did amazingly well. Luckily we'll be seeing Nana again in Hawaii at the end of next month.
Mother's Day art from Esme
Friday, May 10, 2013
Esme meets her Baby Chan... and visiting guests!
Esme told everybody at school today that she was having a little brother. He was coming out of Momma's belly! Lo and behold she was right! Well, here we have her meeting her new sibling for the first time. She's not sure what to think of him, but she slowly warms up to him.

This one is a bit blurry, but Esme is excited about the new addition Esme stroking Chan's soft gnomy head

Matt and Angie visit while Esme devours a popsicle Dave and Marilyn and the newest addition to Cascade Pediatrics
This one is a bit blurry, but Esme is excited about the new addition Esme stroking Chan's soft gnomy head
Here is Esme... Am I still number one?
Matt and Angie visit while Esme devours a popsicle Dave and Marilyn and the newest addition to Cascade Pediatrics
Baby Boy... at last!
Chan Jay Shih was born at 9:48 this morning. He weighs 7 lbs 0.5 oz and is 20 inches long. He likes being held and walks on the beach. He's getting used to this breathing thing and also this sunlight in my eye thing. But he's doing great. Without further ado, here are the requisite photos:
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Mimi Gets A Haircut
Esme did amazing at her first haircut! She was actually very serious the whole time and didn't budge at all. She was concentrating hard on the books and toys they gave her to play with while she sat in the chair. I just told the stylist to trim the edges and even out her hair but no bangs and the end result was much less drastic than I was expecting.
And apparently Esme's sibling is taking it's time in the womb since it's still not here yet! We had a visit with the midwife yesterday and there wasn't much progress from previous visits. If there's no baby by Thursday then we're scheduled for an US to check my amniotic fluid levels and then a non-stress test to see how baby's doing. We've been keeping busy with daily walks, shopping, museum trips, house projects, sewing projects, etc just to pass the time. This time around it's so different than when Esme was born. She came a week early and on my day off when we least expected it and this time we're past-due and still waiting!
Friday, May 3, 2013
Keeping Busy
Well my official due date is tomorrow and no sign of baby yet. My mom and I have been keeping busy though with a visit to the tulip festival, 5+ mile walks, a brewery tour, a pedicure, and even a half day nursing conference. We've also been trying spicy foods, foot massages and anything else that might help baby along. Baby was moving a ton when we saw the midwife this week and heart rate was nice and high in the 150's. We have another visit this coming Monday if baby doesn't show up before then.
Esme definitely knows that something is up and she's been acting different at times. Whenever we pick her up at daycare she gets on her hands and knees and crawls to us as soon as she hears we've arrived. Or she's also started some baby talk in place of her normal words. We've been trying to keep her schedule as consistent as possible so staying in daycare has helped.
Tomorrow Esme's gonna get her first big girl haircut since she's gonna be a big sister soon! We've never had her hair cut, not even for a little trim, so hopefully it goes well. Pics to follow...
Esme definitely knows that something is up and she's been acting different at times. Whenever we pick her up at daycare she gets on her hands and knees and crawls to us as soon as she hears we've arrived. Or she's also started some baby talk in place of her normal words. We've been trying to keep her schedule as consistent as possible so staying in daycare has helped.
Tomorrow Esme's gonna get her first big girl haircut since she's gonna be a big sister soon! We've never had her hair cut, not even for a little trim, so hopefully it goes well. Pics to follow...
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