
Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mothers Day

It's a wonderful day to celebrate, as a family of four now instead of three!  Allen's posted pics of our newest addition but I'll catch you all up to speed from my last post.  We visited the midwife last Thursday along with having  an US and non-stress test. Everything checked out fine so we were sent on our way. Mom, Allen and I spent the afternoon at the Bellevue Art Museum and walking around to keep busy. I was starting to feel crampy off and on but nothing significant so we kept up our normal activities. Early Friday morning I woke up at 4:30am with mild contractions that remained steady enough for us to wait at home till Esme woke up and we could get her to school when they opened at 7am. After that we headed straight to the hospital and it was a strange feeling to be going there so early and prepared. With Esme we barely made it. This time I was able to walk in, sign my admission paperwork, and get settled in my room. However my body knew when it was time to get down to business because not long after we got there things started intensifying quickly and our little baby was born less than 2 hours later. It was a natural birth again with about the same amount of pushing as with Esme. Both were quick so I can't complain. I couldn't have done it without the help of my midwife Heather, nurse Bennett, Allen and my mom who were at my side the entire time. Allen got to help catch little Chan coming out and announce to the room his gender. I heard him say "it's a boy" but was still pretty exhausted at that point to really take it in. Chan came to my chest immediately after his cord was cut and that's when I first saw him.  It was wonderful!

He has his own look and we're still trying to figure out which side of the family his features are from.  He doesn't look like Esme now or when she was born so it'll be interesting to see if things stay that way.  And despite being only 1 1/2 ounces smaller than Esme he is much thinner than her at birth too.  He's swimming in his newborn clothes!  We had a few boy names picked out but Chan Jay was at the top of the list.  It's a family name that started with my great-grandfather.  It got skipped in my generation so I decided to bring it back.  As for a nickname, who knows at this point.  Esme calls him "baby Chan." 

Based on my due date Chan was 6 days late but now looking back it's most likely that my due date was off by a week or two so Chan was actually right on time.  Unfortunately that meant that Nana got here early and had to leave today.  We had a really nice visit while waiting for Chan to come and we're all just glad that she was here for the birth.  Esme really enjoyed all their special time together and even got used to calling for Nana in the morning instead of me when she wakes up.  That's huge!  And Esme spent her first night away from mom and dad the night that Chan was born.  She came to the hospital that afternoon and then left in the evening with Nana and she did amazingly well.  Luckily we'll be seeing Nana again in Hawaii at the end of next month.   

Mother's Day art from Esme

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