So Chan has been in his own room since last weekend but he's still waking up at night. I put Allen in charge of going in to soothe him or put the pacifier in and Chan usually goes right back to sleep. However usually around 4:30am he's wide awake and has a hard time falling back asleep so Allen usually brings him in bed with us so I can feed him and then we all go back to sleep. We're hoping that he stretches out this early morning feed and starts sleeping through the night completely soon.
And Esme is still loving her big girl bed. She's always asking for us to come and lay with her now that there's so much room. It was also her idea to "let" Chan sleep in her crib last weekend so it was neat to see her put all that together. Esme's been having night terrors every so often for the past few months and she had one in her new bed too last week. She just starts screaming out in the middle of the night for about a minute and then goes back to sleep. It never lasts long enough for us to go in and see what's going on and they usually resolve on their own.
Esme trying to take baby Chan's blood pressure at the doctors office
The proud big sister
Chan enjoying his jumper
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