
Thursday, January 23, 2014

Mama, Mama, Mama's been so long that I'm not sure where I last left off.  I'll re-cap the last month or so if I can remember correctly - Chan's pulling up on things more and more as he gets stronger.  He started pulling up on his little bath tub since it's so low and he just kept going from there.  He also does short spurts crawling on all 4's but mostly gets around by army crawling still.  He likes to clap sometimes and he still loves to jump or move his legs when he's happy.  We call them his "happy feet."  Oh yeah, really exciting news - he said "mama!"  He's been babbling the ma, da, and ba sounds for awhile but he definitely says mama now when he sees me.

Chan's still eating lots of purees and not quite ready for the chunky stuff just yet.  He's recently tried egg yolks and yogurt with mixed reviews.  The other new additions have been green beans, apricots, spinach, and beets. Esme is always very eager to help feed Chan Chan.  And so far she's only fed him his food that we know of.  She hasn't snuck anything by us just yet.  Her eating frenzy has calmed down and she's back to her normal eating.  No second helpings all the time.  She's still loving smoothies, grapefruits, tomato soup and rice, and kefir.

Esme is good at copying quotes that we use like "that's impressive" or "excellent" or "how was your day?"  It always throws us off when she says something so grown up like that.  We're trying to remember the funny quotes and are recording them in a book for her later.

Our happy little guy

The pom pom twins

The clapping Chan

All decked out and ready to go

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