Where to start...the kids have had soooooooo many new experiences in the past week! The other day while we were at the beach Esme said "mom, it's like summer here." I told her "in Hawaii it's like summer almost every day" and then she said "yeah, but Washington doesn't have summer." Ha ha! Esme continues to love the beach and digging in the sand. She can't get enough of it and we usually have to peel her away. Chan still isn't so sure about it so usually one of us ends up digging with Esme and the other walking around with Chan. Both kids are tolerating all the sunscreen we're lathering on them but Chan has a bad habit of rubbing it in his eyes when he gets tired. We try to get him to wear his hat to protect his little bald head but he really enjoys throwing it in the water so we can fetch it for him. It's a fun game :) I think he might actually be growing hair these days. It must be the warm weather or something because all of a sudden the back of his head is getting darker and when he takes a bath his hair gets all fluffy and sticks up a little afterwards. From afar though he still looks bald.

Esme has finally made friends with Nana's doggie Mailie
Esme's never spent so much time outside and she's loving it!
Just another day at the beach
Chan scoping out the sand
Esme getting use out of cousin Tosh's sunglasses
Chan's new birthday ride
This past weekend we spent in Kapoho for Uncle Judd's birthday. We had more sun and water time which everyone enjoyed. With her puddle jumpers Esme is comfortable in the water by herself but Chan usually likes to be in someone's arms, especially his mama's. After almost 2 weeks he's warming up to everyone but he still prefers me to everyone else. I'm working on weaning him from nursing and it helps that he likes ALL kinds of big people food and milk. This past week Chan started his first tantrums and they're always because he wants food that we have and are eating in from of him. It's hilarious! The kid loves to eat!
Chan in his new wet suit
Too cool for school!
The underwear gang, Esme and Tosh
Playing in the coolers before packing up
Fishing with Uncle Judd and Hunter
Mommy and Chan time
Esme took a nap under a palm tree everyday
Happy birthday Uncle Judd!
Siblings rock!
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