
Sunday, August 17, 2014

Off We Go Again

It seems like we've barely been in Hilo that long and now we're taking off for Seattle again.  This week we'll be getting back on the plane for Allen's cousins wedding reception in Canada and to make it easier we're just gonna fly into Seattle and make a trip of it all.  Our days are filling up already with seeing old friends, visiting Faye's daycare, etc.  Esme keeps talking about how excited she is to see her old friends which is cute.  The thought of containing Chan on an airplane for 5 hours is not fun though.  That kid loves to move!  As soon as he sees an opportunity he goes for it.  Open door - he's there, puddle - he's in it, glass object - he throws it.  Boys!  He's been waking up early this week and we're still blaming his molars for that.  We try to distract him while Esme sleeps but when he slips away from us he goes straight for her room and calls her name to wake her up, "Meeeeemeeeee, Meeeemeeeee!"  So cute!

Chan had his 15 month physical last week and gained a pound but hasn't changed in weight.  He was 31" which is 41% for height and 23.4# which is 57% for weight.  Strangely his body shape seems to be leaning out but he hasn't grown at all.  He's probably saving it up to do a nice big growth spurt all at once :)  He also got 3 shots at this visit which he wasn't happy about.  Truth is that he started crying much earlier than that though.  He's the kid that's afraid of the white paper on the table and anybody that comes in the room.  Poor guy!

Esme continues meeting with her Mandarin tutor once a week and playdates with her friend Chanoe once in awhile.  It'll be interesting to see what Faye has to say about her language skills when we visit her next week.  Hopefully she hasn't lost too much.  Esme's really excited to start her new preschool Keikiland next month, after our trip.  She has at least one friend there now and since it's such a small town we're finding more and more kids that go there.
This is just proof that his hair is coming in :)

Hangin with cousin Tosh

The underwear gang

Chan loves wearing other people's shoes lately, especially Mimi's

Esme helping Nana wash the boys

Too cool!

Here comes Chan!

For some reason he loves to do this and dance :)

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