
Monday, July 25, 2016

The New Normal

The girls are coming up on 4 months here soon!  I can hardy believe it!  That also means it's time for mommy to return to work :(  It's going to be an interesting transition as we get used to the new normal.  The first week they'll be home with Nana and then after that they'll start going to Chan's old sitter, Aunty Veva who lives close by.  Esme will also be starting kindergarten next month so we have a lot of new things to get used to.  Esme's super excited but mostly because they don't nap anymore.  Ha ha!  Chan will stay at Keikiland in the same class that he's been in all summer.

Chan seems to be doing better lately.  Either we've learned how to deal with him or he's adjusting.  Either way, we're getting there!  He doesn't want to play baby as much as he used to and he's having less tantrums.  He's always been affectionate towards his "baby sisters" so that hasn't changed.  He can even tell them apart now.

Poppy continues to be Ms Personality.  You barely have to look at her and she's all smiles and coos.  Her face just lights up!  She's also my marathon nurser.  She would nurse all day long if she could and you can tell when you pick her up.  She's our little chunk!  Tummy time is a challenge for her cause of that big head but she hangs in there.  It's a little flat on one side in the back but we're evening it out by always having her look to her left side instead.  One benefit is that it helps her to roll over easier due to gravity.  Both girls go from tummy to back with no problems when doing tummy time.  
Eve is our more reserved baby.  She's a watcher/observer and it takes a lot of work to make her smile.  She seems to be getting better at it.  Before she would give you one big open mouthed reaction and now it's turning more into a smile with her cheeks and eyes responding too.  Eve spends the minimal amount of time nursing and sometimes I even struggle with her.  I've had a few visits with the lactation consultant to help with her feedings and we're pushing through.  It's amazing how different these girls are!  
Saying goodbye to Aunty Amy.  The Lyman's have moved to Austin, TX!  

Just cruising together.  Sorry I still need to figure out how to flip these pics in Blogger.

Crashed out after tandem nursing at night.

Silly Chan!

Too cool Esme!

More hanging out together.

Play mat time.

Oh that face!

We've got a thumb sucker!  She still switches between left and right and the paci but she's getting there.  One less thing to worry about cause she can soothe herself now.  Esme was also a thumb sucker (paci for the first 4 months and then she found her thumb at 6 mo) and stopped at 4.

Studying a map of the Big Island while doing tummy time.

This was a rough night.  Allen was getting the big kids bathed and I was nursing Poppy with Eve in the bouncer at my feet.  She wasn't happy until I picked her up so she was sitting on Poppy while I continued to nurse.  I need more hands!

The womb-mates!

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