As soon as people see we have twins they always ask if they're "natural." Then they ask if they're identical. And then they ask about their personalities. This is one of the ways to tell Poppy and Eve apart because they are sooooooooooo different.
Poppy is so quick to laugh and smile that sometimes she even cracks herself up without anyone even playing with her. Eve on the other hand is very serious and it can take a little while for her to warm up. But when she does her smile and laugh are so precious :) Poppy likes to "talk" continuously and Eve is quiet as can be. She might make a peep here and there but not like Pops.
Poppy would nurse all day long if she could. She'll drink as much as she can and then use mama as a pacifier afterwards until I pry her off of me. Eve will only nurse as long as the milk is flowing good and after that she's done. Sometimes she's even mad at the end that she pulls herself off. Eve has to be burped though and she's known to be spitty. Poppy rarely burps or spits up. She conserves all her milk calories!
When the girls sleep Poppy always has her hands spread way out and Eve keeps them close to her side. Eve went through a phase (about 2 months) of being very gassy and uncomfortable but thankfully that has lightened up. During that time she always held her hands in a fist and was very clenched up.
Physically they look very different too. Poppy has a bigger head and she plumped up quicker but the girls remain only 0.7 pounds apart in weight. She still looks rounder and Eve looks thinner. Eve even feels much lighter that it's hard to believe it's such a little difference. Poppy has a flat spot to the back right side of her head but it's improving with a lot of positional changes we've been doing. And Eve's head is nice and oval shaped. It's funny since they spend about the same amount of time doing tummy time and lying on their backs but somehow Poppy ended up with the flat head issue like Esme did. Oh and Poppy has the sweatiest little head and I don't know if I've ever seen Eve break a sweat. Funny stuff!
Both girls like the shower which is normally how we bathe them. They also both do fine in the car and the stroller and the Ergo. Overall they're pretty good babies. It's just having 2 of them at the same time that's the challenge!
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