Ho ho ho! Happy Holidays!
And here we are at the end of another year! I can’t say it went fast and it didn’t go slow either. We’ve
had a lot of transitions and changes but in looking back they’ve all made for a great year overall. Feel
free to scroll through all the blog posts but here's a quick run down on everyone in the meantime:
Esme is now 7 ½ and in the 2nd grade at Waiakea Elementary. She’s very motivated and likes
learning in school. Hopefully she keeps that up! Esme also continues to grow so well into her big
sister role. She’s so responsible and caring with her little sisters, and sometimes Chan ;) She’s also
getting pretty good at managing two year old tantrums better than mom and dad. Ha! She finally
broke from gymnastics this year and decided to try some new sports. She played fall AYSO soccer
and started tennis, both of which she enjoys and wants to keep playing. She’s also continuing with
swimming, piano and Kumon. She’s a busy girl! She loves playing with her dolls/trinkets, building
things, reading chapter books, writing in her notebooks, and getting dressed up. She has continued
to be our fancy little girl, who’s not so little anymore!
Chan is 5 ½ and started kindergarten at the same school as Esme this year. This meant only 2 drop
offs (the biggies at school and the littles at the sitter) for mom and dad now. Woohoo! This was a big
transition for Chan but it helped to have big sister there. He’s not as nervous anymore now that this
routine is the new normal for him. When he’s not in school he’s enjoying t-ball, swimming and Kumon.
He decided soccer wasn't the sport for him so we didn't continue that one this year. Chan loves
projects, gardening, building things, playing with his trucks and cars, and of course bugging all of his
sisters ;)
Poppy and Even are now 2 ½ and they went from babies to little big girls this year. They’re growing
up so fast! They can hold a conversation and let their needs be known...sometimes too much. Ha ha!
They want to pick their own clothes and tell us how to do things. They love to talk and sing to each
other at night when they’re supposed to be falling asleep. The world of twins is so interesting! Poppy
is bossy and confident, loves pink and tutus, and also eating. Eve is more sensitive and shy, loves
princesses and holding onto things. She has this really strong sense of possession. They’re so
different yet complement each other well I guess.
Allen is still working as a clinical professor at the UH-Hilo College of Pharmacy which keeps him
super busy. Students are always emailing him and he’s always working on new projects or exam or
lectures. And after four years of doing school based health, Zoe changed jobs this past summer.
She’s working part time in a pediatric primary care office closer to home that’s very similar to her
last job in Washington. It's nice to have more time to spend with family again!
All in all things are well here with us! We miss all our friends and family on the mainland and
encourage everyone to come visit sometime! We're still not sure we're ready to travel as a whole
family yet so it might be awhile before we visit any of you guys ;) We figure the twins have to be at
least 4 or 5 before we attempt it. Ha ha!