
Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Welcome Fall

Well since the last update I think we had another hurricane fly by us and thankfully wasn't as bad as Lane.  We really didn't even notice it which was nice.  No cancelled school days with everyone stuck inside.  We've actually been pretty busy this fall as we start new activities and figure out our routine.  Esme has turned a new leaf and is branching out into all sorts of new activities this year - tennis, soccer and piano.  And she loves them far :)  Her and Chan are continuing with Kumon and also swimming too.  Chan is trying out a yoga class right now while we wait for t-ball to start in the winter.  He's actually begging to try tennis too since he's always watching Esme.  Hopefully we get it all figured out before it's time to start enrolling Poppy and Eve in their own activities.  Ha ha!  They're actually doing just great as they are.  They keep each other busy and us too. 

Poppy eats almost anything.  While prepping roasted veggies she just grabbed a raw zucchini round (covered with some olive oil and garlic salt :) and started munching on it.  She finished two pieces!

She also loves avocado!  She could eat a whole one by herself!

They rarely get juice so it's definitely a treat!

They're so goofy!  Poppy loves to ham it up with her cheeses and Eve thinks it's pretty cool to wink since she just learned how ;)

All this humidity with the hurricane weather has made Eve have some incredibly boingy hair.  She calls her curls "my boings"

Poppy had to borrow clothes at the sitter one day and it shocked us at what a cute little boy she makes.  Ha ha!  We'd never know since she's otherwise such a girly-girl and only wants pink and purple and skirts and such.

Nana has now taught both Esme and Chan how to blow bubbles with their gum.  This is what Chan works on while Esme plays tennis.

And we were so lucky to hang out in Kona for Labor Day weekend.  The kids loved exploring somewhere new!

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