
Friday, June 5, 2020

Summer Is Here!

Maybe I already said this but I thought time would slow to a stand still once COVID and stay at home orders hit but seriously, time is flying by!  And now summer is here!  The biggies officially finished the 2019-2020 school year in a very anticlimatic way - just like every other kid out there these days.  And the twins went back to preschool!  Woohoo!  That was something to celebrate for sure! 

So now what?  Places are starting to open up again and our stay at home orders have lifted but we're still pretty detached from everything.  We're trying to find summer activities for the biggies but it's limited this year.  For now the grandparents are our lifesavers!  And that will probably be our summer as we're not going to travel anywhere this year.  Our Yellowstone trip got cancelled :(

We've done some fun family adventures on island though.  A trip to the Waipio Valley lookout which was a first for everyone but mommy.

Lots of swimming at Coconut Island

Impromptu firepit marshmallows in the afternoon

The twins are in full princess mode.  They LOVE to dress up!

All the kids love to read or be read to.  Eve is just starting to read.  Pops still likes just to be read to.  And Esme and Chan are mowing through so many chapter books this summer.

We successfully raised one butterfly this spring.

We also got our garden up and running.

We pulled the carrots a little early to make way for more kale.

The twins got their 4 year old shots at their last physical and handled it pretty well considering.

Hiking at Bird Park and climbing trees.

Chan is loosing teeth all the time these days

Hiking at Kalopa State Park

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