Esme's doing so many new things now that make me feel like she's turning into a "big girl" and no longer a little baby.
- She's been grabbing at her feet for awhile now but never used to stick her toes in her mouth until it warmed up and she's been able to cruise without socks or a footed outfit on.
- Now that she's rolling both ways, she usually gets on her tummy to go to sleep even though we put her down on her back. It still surprises me when I go in her room in the morning and she's on her tummy.
- We busted out her big kid stroller last weekend in the San Juans and I love it! It just glides over sidewalks and trails. We still use her carseat and stroller frame for quick trips or grocery stores, etc but the new stroller is so much smoother. She can't fully sit up on her own yet but it reclines and there's so many straps to hold her in she looks like she's ready to blast off for space exploration.
- She gets invited to birthday parties and has her own party dresses to show off. She took it all in very well but by the end all the activity was a little much for her and she knocked out even before it was time to go.
- She no longer spits out her vitamin D supplement at me. Instead she just takes it like a champ now with no fuss.

Yum, love that big toe! Esme checking out her friend in the mirror.

She obviously has a lot of room to grow in this thing.

Dancing in her party dress Can she get any cuter?