Esme's still drooling a ton and trying to eat everything she can get her hands on but no teeth yet. She was on the floor in the family room this morning and I was in the kitchen when I heard her grunting and growling so I went over to see what she was doing. She'd worked her way over to my nursing stool and was chewing on the edge of it. Ouch! She finally took some water in a sippy cup today and also from a water bottle. We've tried offering to her before with no luck so maybe food isn't far behind...

I know I'm sooooooo cute! Grrr...I just can't get enough of my hands!
I know I'm sooooooo cute! Grrr...I just can't get enough of my hands!
Mmmm...mommy's nursing stool feels so good on my gums :) Hungry caterpillars unite!
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