
Sunday, August 21, 2011

Flying Kites

We went to the Washington State International Kite Festival in Long Beach this past weekend.  It was a little bit of an adventure since it was a 3 hour drive to the coast and then when we got there it was nice and sunny but also VERY windy.  It wouldn't have been so bad if the sand wasn't also blowing around.  Thank goodness for Esme's big hat and sunglasses, we managed not to get any in her eyes.  Though it got to be a little much for her after awhile so she just went to sleep and then woke up when we left the beach.  I was hoping she could enjoy watching the kites in the sky a little more but oh well.  Allen attempted to fly a kite and that too was an adventure!

Esme now gets very excited when she sees a glass of water.  She starts flapping her arms and legs and sometimes she even starts talking.  She likes to take a few sips and then stick her tongue in the water and then blow bubbles.  Still no reaction to food or our silverware so she's still on the milk only.  And she's moving a ton more.  She can scoot herself across the room really quickly by pushing off with her feet and sliding on her belly but she's still not up on her knees crawling. 

The Gals are blown away by the kites!

      Checking out the kite festival                                                         Allen and kite flying, not a good combination

      Kites in formation... very cool                                                                 Kite Wars

 She's almost crawling

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