Esme's still got a cold and she's also teething so that's made for a fussier than normal baby. I can see all of her four top teeth trying to break through but nothing yet. She's been going to bed earlier and earlier every night and even waking up in the middle sometimes which is not her norm. Tylenol and Motrin seem to take the edge off a bit and we're running the humidifier in her room at night so help with the snotty nose. She still wakes up with crusties all over but I don't think we can help that.
Cousins and a Christmas Tree Stockings!
Christmas Angels Mommy's Favorite Gift
Makena and the Jaguar* Capri and Esme's awesome hat!
Baby's First Christmas x 2 Making friends with all kinds of Orangutans!
*Correction - that is not a leopard
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