
Sunday, January 20, 2013


Unfortunately the blog has taken a backseat in our lives over the past few weeks.  I was attacked by the awful flu that's been going around this season and wasn't able to do a thing.  I had my flu shot at the same time as Esme but I think this pregnancy has weakened my immune system quite a bit.  While it was the worst illness I've ever had I still think it was a real mild case compared to what I've seen and I think that the flu shot helped me out a bit.  I was barely able to move for almost a week so Allen had to take over with Esme and luckily neither of them have gotten it so far.  We thought we'd give Esme some Tamiflu prophylactically but she hates the medicine so we stopped. 

Esme's learned to jump and get both feet off the floor at the same time.  She's so intrigued with this new move that she loves to jump all over the place and show off.  And according to Ms Faye, Esme's very good at pronouncing her words in Mandarin and she's also mastering her tones well.  Her little sentences are getting longer and longer as she tells Allen and I what to do.

I'm 25 weeks pregnant now and still feeling great.  At our last appointment with the midwife the baby's heart rate was in the 150s and it was moving all over the place.  By our next appointment they should be able to feel how the baby is lying in my belly.  At our 20 week ultrasound the baby was breach but I was reassured that we don't worry about this till closer to the 36 week mark.  I just had my 2 hour glucose test yesterday and should hear the results of that test this coming week. 

Every morning Esme requests "two ponies" and so that's her new favorite hairdo :)

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