Both of the kids wore their bones outfits to school.
Chan Chan's been rolling over for awhile now but all of a sudden he's started doing successive rolls and really moving across the floor. We've had to put away his bouncer and swing, since he can buck out of them, which frees up a lot of space in our house now. Thank goodness! We still have his jumper which he continues to love and helps us to keep him upright after feeding since he's such a spitty baby.
Esme's also continuing to grow up right before our eyes. Her language keeps getting exponentially more advanced and she tells us things we have no idea she's learned all the time. She's enjoying pretend play and make believe a lot more and likes to tell us all kinds of stories. Her memory continues to amaze us too. She's really good with names and remembering people and events. When I come home from work everyday she always asks "How was your patients today mom?" And when we give her medicine she always asks "And what does this one do?" Only the daughter of a pharmacist and nurse practitioner would ask such a thing! She gets Zyrtec for her runny nose, Zarbees for her cough, and Motrin for any owies when she's sick.
Esme made this owl out of a toilet paper tube at school. I asked her to tell me about the body parts and she said it had eyes and a mouth (I asked if it was a beak and she said "NO, it's a mouth!"). Then when I asked her what was on the side she said 'it's hips." Ha ha!