I found some more great pictures from this past weekend in Oregon. I also forgot to share the lovely adventure we had on our way down there. We left in the late afternoon on Friday and were in rush hour traffic on I-5. We finally got moving and then Esme starts complaining of a stomach ache. I figured she was just getting fussy from being stuck in the car but I was totally wrong. Her stomach really did hurt cause not long after she started throwing up. Luckily I caught most of it and was able to clean up her shirt and seat without having to stop so we kept driving since we had a 3 1/2 hour drive ahead of us. Well Esme had different plans cause she continued to puke the entire drive to Oregon and by the time we got there she was throwing up only bile. It was awful! I don't even remember how many stops we had to make but I do remember how horrible the car smelled. Thank goodness it was a rental! Our drive ended up taking over 5 hours and we were all soooooooooo happy when we finally arrived. Then that night she woke up in the middle of the night with a raging fever. I gave her Motrin and she burned it off overnight and then when she woke up the next morning she was fine. It was like it never happened. So weird! I'm just glad no one else got it!

Both Aunty B and Uncle Judd were missing their babies so Chan got a lot of their attention
Hi daddy!
Esme was feeling so much better the morning after we arrived
Hugs with Aunty Amy
Aunty B giving birthday wishes to Grandma
Uncle Richard with Uncle Chan and baby Chan
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