I almost updated the blog the other night but wasn't sure what I had to write so I skipped it. And that's what I get I guess! The next day Esme was diagnosed with Kawasaki's Disease and admitted to Kapiolani Women and Children's Hospital on Oahu so now there's no lack of stuff to write about. She'd had fevers for 2 days prior and slowly started developing symptoms that could have been caused from a virus but as time progressed started to look more and more like Kawasaki's - injected eyes with swollen lids, dry cracked lips, rash on her palms and body, irritability. She was missing some of the other hallmark symptoms but the ones she had were enough even though we were hoping otherwise. Kawasaki's is an immune disease where the blood vessels in the body become inflamed. It's common in Asian children under the age of 5. It's usually a diagnosis of exclusion after fever of at least 5 days so we were lucky to catch it early. She'd had fevers for 3 days by the time we got to Oahu and started treatment. One of the more serious complications is how it affects the heart so she's had multiple tests and we're still waiting to hear back. Today she's seeming more like herself and wanting to play, Face Time, smile for pictures, etc. Her eyes are less swollen and lips a little less red.

This is Esme when we checked in. She was pretty tired at this point.
This is the next morning after treatment. She even tried to smile!
Watching her Kindle. I have no idea how we're gonna wean her of all the tv and juice she's had since we've been here. Eeekkk! She's barely eaten anything in the past 3 days but she'll sip something every once in awhile. They've also got her on IV fluids.
The activity coordinators brought her all kinds of new toys to play with.
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