Our trip is winding down and it's hard to think about leaving. We've been having so much fun with all the family, the animals, and just being able to play outdoors...when it's not raining :) Esme's been covered in bug spray but she's still getting some mosquito bites. Benadryl seems to bring down the swelling when it gets bad but otherwise she's not itching them. Today we'll be celebrating Girls Day and Aunty LeAnne and Uncle Rex's wedding. I was able to find some size 2 (3-6 month) shoes that Esme will be able to walk in and that go with the outfit she'll wear to the wedding.

Playing with the animals Charlie and Allen

Pajama time with cousin Tosh Enjoying the sheepskin rug

Sitting in the sassy seat at Ken's Esme's sweet smile
And of course, her cheesy smile
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