Allen had to work this weekend so Esme and I enjoyed some mommy-daughter bonding time. On Saturday we went on a playdate with her friends Addy and Jacob. Aunty Marina gave them matching hairdo's because she just couldn't resist. As soon as Esme see's in the mirror that she has pigtails she starts grabbing for them unless we can distract her but if she doesn't see a mirror then she just leaves them alone. We tried to get Jacob and Addy to smile like Esme but no luck. Do you think Esme will ever go through that phase? It's hard to imagine at this point.
Then on Sunday we went to the Seattle Aquarium. It was a quicker visit than I thought cause it was just the two of us and I ended pushing the stroller and carrying Esme cause she was being clingy. She enjoyed looking at the fish, seals, starfish, sea otters, etc but she also just enjoyed looking at the other kids, putting her hands in the water, walking along the Seattle waterfront, and eating sourdough bread from the bakery.
We tried and tried but Esme's the only one smiling. So many pigtails
Esme pointing at the big fish Watching the little fish
Chewing on the sourdough bread crust Video of Esme Walking
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