
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Plague

Esme's daycare has been hit with all kinds of bacteria and viruses in the last week and that explains the little rash she has. A total of 8 out of 12 kids have come down with ear infections, roseola, hand-foot-mouth and impetigo in the past week. Regardless of contagiousness, Ms Faye has asked that any child that is ill or has a rash stay home until better so Allen gets to hang out with Esme today. Last weekend I noticed a flare up of one of Esme's eczema spots behind her chubby little thigh but it didnt change with the steroid cream. Then it started to look more bacterial and she got a few small spots on her mouth and butt. We've been applying antibiotic ointment and that seems to help but the rash isn't gone yet. Hopefully it goes away soon though so we can send her back to daycare!

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